Animal Crossing: city folk Friend Codes

friends code

i add u for animal crossing, but plz add me!!


Name: Chris
town: City Folk

sent a reply if u add me already! PLZ ADD ME....
re adding

hi, i will be online later this afternoon in about 2 1/2 hours. and i will add you then, hope to see you
thanks sherry
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Animal Crossing

hey, i need friends for animal crossing, here r my details

FC: 1806-3560-2423
town: Folk Town
name: Chris

plz, add me!
sent your friends code, here!
plz, reply...:wink:
ANIMAL crossing city folk: Friends code

plz, sent me you towns name, and your friend code for Animal Crossing! my details.

town: Folk Town
name: chris
FC: 1806-3560-2423

plz, add me, and tell me yours, plz
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hey, i need friends for animal crossing, here r my details

FC: 1806-3560-2423
town: Folk Town
name: Chris

plz, add me!
sent your friends code, here!
plz, reply...:wink:

hi chris, i'm adding you now,,
name = sherry
town = shelby
acct # = 4468-5843-5868
hope to see you soon
adding you

visiitt mee gates are open

hi my name is sherry and i love to play acct
here is my game info
name= sherry
town =shelby
acct# = 4468-5843-5868
please email me at
and let me know you have added me..
anyone who wants to add me please do . and let me know, thanks
going online now, will check emails in a little while .

Question here, If say I add all of you guys does it send you like an in-game message or something letting you know who I am and giving you my info, or do you not know im trying to add you unless you log onto here and look to see if I said I added you and you should add me?

Name= Tab
Town = Denver
Question here, If say I add all of you guys does it send you like an in-game message or something letting you know who I am and giving you my info, or do you not know im trying to add you unless you log onto here and look to see if I said I added you and you should add me?

Name= Tab
Town = Denver

hi tab, just to let you know, the game does not tell us you are requesting to be friends,, you would have to send the person (s) you are adding or want to add a message. thru there , or an email address if they give one.
then the person will find it as soon as they come back on here , or they will get a notice in their emails..
hope this helps.

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