Animal Crossing: city folk Friend Codes

Please add me as a friend
Ive just started playing animal crossing

my wii speak/console # is


I'll add you as well

Thanxs, Malana
hi there i've been playing animal crosing for a bit now and its getting kinda boring so i would love to have visitors i love meeting people :)

Name: Jamie
Town: Vertree
fc: 2922-4897-5095

let me know if you've added me and il try to add you as well :) see ya there.
Animal crossing friend code

My friend code is 3911 1532 6406 my town is bolton and my name is jenny add me and i will reply state ur fruit as well mine is pears and apples

anyone can add me!
Name: Brooke
Town: Shopalot
I'm 14, i'll add anyone just email me ( and i'm usually on pretty late (eastern time, i live in PA) and my town fruit is the peach and i kinda need money... thanks (; brooke
Hey I just started playing again. My gate is open and looking for some friends! My fruits are peaches, apples, and coconuts. Tell me when you add me so I can add you too!
Friend Code: 4684-2566-0426
Name: Taylor
Town: Char
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hey yall add me on accf and ill add you just let me know.
name buggie
town bugville
code 1634-8303-6390
happy gaming
Hey ACCF Friends

Hello Everyone :)
I just got ACCF and I would love to play and talk with others. I also have Wii Speak. Please feel free to add me to your consoles and game. My info: Friend Code: 4157-4037-0138-7082
ACCF: Name: Buggie
Town: Bugville
Code: 1634-8303-6390

Please feel free to add me. I do play often and would love to visit your towns. Please just let me know if you add me. Happy Gaming :)
Animal Crossing

ok every1 go on at 11 tomorrow morning so we can visit every1 else s towns
my town will go first unless u want urs to be first

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