360 or PS3 better?

Blue Sun said:
I'm going to get a PS3 (basically because of the sheer success of their previous consoles - if thats anything to go by). The games on the PS3 are my type of games too (who could say no to Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo or Kingdom Hearts etc.....the list goes on).

Sony's got my vote.

(still, the Wii is just too much fun :smilewinkgrin:)

I agree with you to a certain extent. I have a ps1, ps2, and psp...and I have enjoyed them all. MGS...hell yeah. One of the best series of games ever. Gran Turismo was always one of my favorites, but I have unfortunately lost interest in it b/c of PGR3 and Test Drive Unlimited for the 360. Gran Turismo may be more realistic, and believe me...I'm all for realism in racing games, but it lacks some other fun things. One of my favorite things with PGR and Test Drive is the inside view, including the steering wheel, dash, and everything.

One thing I would like to start seeing in all racing games, though, is damage. In test drive you can damage other cars, but not your own...weird.
i actually only read the title of this post :rolleyes: but i think that Xbox 360 is better... better games, but ive only played table tennis on the 360 so mine isnt a first hand view into which is better :)
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I got my 360 yesterday, and i just heard a rumour of a xbox 360 Version 2 releasing mid 2007 called the "Zephyr" or "Zephyer", looks like i might have to do a bit more researching and if this rumours true i'll be returning my 360
actually the graphics are the exact same on both of them. they are both 256, though the ps3 might look better the hardware capability as far as the gpu is the same. id say get the 360 since the ps3 in having endless hardware and software issues.

PS3 has just been one mess after another. Many games wont work in 720p. The Blu-Ray player is sub-par compared to the other ones on the market. The Blu-Ray systen also moves slower than 360's DVD based system. Also, remember when Sony cut like 2/3 (was that what it was? whatever) of the ps3s at launch cause of software problems...um yeah...i wouldnt trust them.

Plus, 360 has more games and will have many more for a while, until it gets outsold by wii, which is when we will take over...

PS3 is also extremely expensive, and its controller (in my opinion) is hugely inferior to the 360's. And, graphically, the 360 has already proven to have amazing graphics (Gears of War), and really, you have to be a huge graphics hog to think 360 isn't good enough.

On the other hand...
PS3 has free online play, 360 does not. PS3 has slightly better graphics. Hmm...I think that's it.

I would strongly suggest 360 for just a bit more polished and refined experience.
Jonny said:
I got my 360 yesterday, and i just heard a rumour of a xbox 360 Version 2 releasing mid 2007 called the "Zephyr" or "Zephyer", looks like i might have to do a bit more researching and if this rumours true i'll be returning my 360

ive also have read some where that microsoft is ganna be releaseing another xobx360 also. i think there throwing in a 65nm processor for help out with the heat and power comsumption .. but thats all i remember i think it was 65nm lol
Jonny said:
thanks for everybody replying to this thread, im gonna go buy my xbox 360 entertainment package now, decided to also get a PS3 when the time is right, if the time is ever right- which will probably be later this year/early 2008, till then take care all and keep enjoying your Wiis :)

Lol, after all this you've decided to get all 3 in the end. Good Choice :p. I support your decision, as the PS3 won't quite begin to shine for at least another year. IMO, if it doesn't show signs of thriving life by mid 2008, there's a good chance that most developers would be pretty much chased away from taking full advantage of what the system has to offer (meaning only 360-level graphics, non-exclusive games, except for a few series such as Gran Turismo, MGS, and the main additions to the FF series).

The 360, on the otherhand, you can take full advantage of now. Nonetheless, if money's no object, it's nice to just have all 3.
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Jonny said:
I got my 360 yesterday, and i just heard a rumour of a xbox 360 Version 2 releasing mid 2007 called the "Zephyr" or "Zephyer", looks like i might have to do a bit more researching and if this rumours true i'll be returning my 360

Thats a very interesting rumor I've never heard anything about that. Time to do some research.
amon140 said:
360 is better all around except in the graphics department

I won´t say 360 graphics are not on par with PS3... Most first gen PS3 games look worth.
Will so many people dogging the PS3 without owning one I decided to make a pro/con list for both systems.

Xbox 360 Premium
1. Modder friendly. Microsoft seen how many gamers were modding the original Xbox and they did a great job making this system very modder friendly.
2. Great graphics (Gears of War, COD3, Madden 07, Oblivion)
3. Superb Marketplace. Microsoft has a head start with the marketplace and has really shined in this area. Its nearly flawless.
4. Lots and lots of games
5. Achievements. This is what makes gamers buy more games and play them till the end. This is by far the greatest idea by a game manufacturer ever. Gamers have a reason to complete these $60 games, even if they suck lol.

PS3 60gb
1. Blu-Ray HD Player. This is great for those who dont want to drop $999.99 on a standard blu-ray player.
2. Use your PSP to access your PS3 hard drive. You can literally be anywhere and access your hard drive to look at pictures or listen to music.
3. Free online. Now its no XBL but it is free. Games like Resistance can host 40players and saves your stats for free.
4. Web Browser. Now I personally dont use it but there are some that do. Its pretty simple to use especially with a USB keyboard. You can also use browser in HD.
5. Great graphics. (Fight Night Rd.3, Madden 07, Resistance)
6. 50gb of storage each disk. This is 4x larger than the 360 which means larger games and more detail.
7. 60GB hard drive. Sony planned ahead on this one and PS3 owners wont have to dish out more money later to upgrade.
8. HDMI support/Memory card slots

Xbox 360 Premium
1. Overheating! This seems to be the 360's biggest fault. Thousands of systems overheat at no fault to the gamer.
2. System lag. Even with a 3 core 3.2ghz cpu the system still loses frame rates in certain games. (Madden 07, Oblivion, N3)
3. Small 20GB Hard drive. This is just too small. 360 owners have to dish out even more money for the upgrade.
4. No HDMI support. If you want HDMI you have to purchase the HD-DVD player. Another upgrade.

PS3 60GB
1. Lack of games. Sony didnt have anywhere near the games the 360 had at launch.
2. Poor PS Store. Yes its free but the store is pretty empty and Sony knows what Microsoft is already pushin.
3. Controller signal drops. Every once in a while the signal from the controler drops and can cause major frustration while in a game.
4. No HDMI or HD cables with system? Once you open the box you realize you have to go back to the store and purchase some cables ranging from $30-$100. Thanks alot Sony!
5. Lack of achievement system. Microsoft has done amazing things with this system which is what made the company lots of money. Sony needs to compete with their own system ASAP!

Price - For the money I think the PS3 is the better deal.
Quality - No overheating and no lack of frames with the PS3
Games - 360 blows the PS3 away in this area
Online - Even though you have to pay for the good stuff the 360 dominates this area too.
Graphics - PS3, It only using 20-25% of its power right now and it still looks better than the 360. Madden is a great example.

If I were to choose between the 2 right now I would pick the 360. There are just so many games to choose from and the achievement system is fantastic. Followed with a wonderfull marketplace where you can rent new movies or even purchase shows like Spongebob Squarepants for your kids. Hopefully by next year the PS3 will make the choice tougher.

Xbox 360

This is in no way a console war thread. I understand that some may not agree with everything I have said but this is my personal experience with the 2 systems. This is to help gamers decide what is the best choice to spend their money on.

This is my personal experience with the 2 systems. Obviously the fanboys will dissagree with me.
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Lethal said:
Will so many people dogging the PS3 without owning one I decided to make a pro/con list for both systems.

Xbox 360 Premium
1. Modder friendly. Microsoft seen how many gamers were modding the original Xbox and they did a great job making this system very modder friendly.

First off, not a fan boy here for any console...love them all. Second, the 360 is NOT all that easy to mod. I have painted mine and cut windows, have a dvd window, blue LED fans...all that was the easy part. Opening the case is ridiculously difficult, especially the first time. I actually almost cracked my case trying to open it.

Anyways, I agree with pretty much the rest of your post. I also see positives in both systems, but for now I have to stick with the Wii60! I may eventually get a ps3, but it'll be a year or so when the problems are sorted out and there's a larger library of games.
p2y2r7o said:
Opening the case is ridiculously difficult, especially the first time. I actually almost cracked my case trying to open it.

Takes me exactly 25secs to fully open a case. I have done more case mods than anybody here. Its extremely easy to open.

here is my latest one. I need to airbrush still.



And many many many more.

My current WIP
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Oh oh oh that's why your username is familiar! I've seen your work over at xbox scene...nice job btw! Maybe you've seen mine as well...


And do you have that kit for opening it? Maybe my case is stupid, b/c it honestly took me at least 30 minutes. (or maybe it's me that's stupid :D )

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