360 or PS3 better?

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thanks for everybody replying to this thread, im gonna go buy my xbox 360 entertainment package now, decided to also get a PS3 when the time is right, if the time is ever right- which will probably be later this year/early 2008, till then take care all and keep enjoying your Wiis :)
Astroff said:
ps3 all the way
xbox sux cuz of one factor: its made by microsoft

While I agree with that, PS3 sucks because it is made by Sony.

Unfortunately, that's only part of why the PS3 sucks.
Jonny said:
thanks for everybody replying to this thread, im gonna go buy my xbox 360 entertainment package now, decided to also get a PS3 when the time is right, if the time is ever right- which will probably be later this year/early 2008, till then take care all and keep enjoying your Wiis :)


Enjoy Your 360!:smilewinkgrin:
I'm afraid that the ps3 doesn't have as many games as the 360. Sony's system is overpriced and overated, and the 360 is a way better option.
get a 360, if all your friends are getting them, youll have a lot more fun playing online with them than yourself with a wii. I have a 360, and a wii, and i like both, but imo the 360 is a lot better. but dont get a 360, if you dont plan on getting xbox live, it would be nothing without it.
i might get my hands on a 360 once the new 360 comes out and the price for this one goes down. cuz the xbox live service is oh-so tempting :yesnod: but ill still have my wii....well, iff wii gets good online then no 360 for me
i have a habit of getting sonys systems when they become slimmer and stuff, so that's probalby what i'll do.
Astroff said:
i have a habit of getting sonys systems when they become slimmer and stuff, so that's probalby what i'll do.

I agree with you there, I have a slim ps2 and like it so much more than the fat one. I never had any use for that HDD, either, so there was no point having that huge thing.

That's one of my pros for the Wii, it's small, lightweight, and if I wanna take it to a friends house it's pretty easy.

And have you seen the ps3 grill? The thing is so big these guys put a george foreman inside of it...and used it.
Instead of spending 300$ from your pocket you could be a little patient and wait for some of the wii games coming out (Metroid, SSBB, Blazing Angels, Battalion Wars 2, plus many more), and get these games. They will have online play and like Metroid, great single player campaign.

Otherwise I would definitely go for the 360.
360 is better all around except in the graphics department but hey gameplay is what makes a game because super mario bros. is still fun and u bought a wii for fun as well not graphics (and if you did..... im sorry)
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Wiily Good said:
Ha! Not around here there isn't.

hehe thats cause ps3 doesnt come out in aust until march 3rd.

Anyway once again thanks all for replying to my thread, i got my xbox 360 today (god it was hard to find, sold out at all EBs , all dicksmiths, and target/myer/kmarts. finally found one at harvey norman and they actually beat the EB price and gave it to me for 690$ instead of EB's 696 (entertainment package)... but i didnt even have the catalogue with me :shocked:

The only game i got was gears of war and damn i must say, the game is 10x better than the previews/review and trailers i watched.

awesome console :yesnod: thx all!
I'm going to get a PS3 (basically because of the sheer success of their previous consoles - if thats anything to go by). The games on the PS3 are my type of games too (who could say no to Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo or Kingdom Hearts etc.....the list goes on).

Sony's got my vote.

(still, the Wii is just too much fun :smilewinkgrin:)
Blue Sun said:
I'm going to get a PS3 (basically because of the sheer success of their previous consoles - if thats anything to go by). The games on the PS3 are my type of games too (who could say no to Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo or Kingdom Hearts etc.....the list goes on).

Sony's got my vote.

(still, the Wii is just too much fun :smilewinkgrin:)


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