I'm now a PS3/wii

You just suck using classic controller :p I can shoot someone down in a split second easy.

As for the DMC4 thing, thats Capcom's fault. They didn't give the players a choice whether they wanted to install or not. But 360 doesn't have that problem because you are not required to install.

Why does everyone classify the PS3 or 360 as their "graphic" console and the Wii for "gameplay", do you believe your PS3 has worse gameplay?
T3kNi9e said:
Why does everyone classify the PS3 or 360 as their "graphic" console and the Wii for "gameplay", do you believe your PS3 has worse gameplay?

the OP didnt say that. he/she said that the controls were better. controls are the major part of gameplay but gameplay doesnt only consist of controls. what makes the ps3 and 360 from last generation gaming wise beside the graphics. basically nothing. thats maybe another reason why people say that.
congrats, your gonna love your ps3 i know it, it has some kickass games coming the future