$300 shopping spree any suggestions???

Shop eBay and game stores for used games. Some of them you can save $20 on.
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Okay i went out and bought the games yesterday and it turned out to be $192 I ended up getting
SSX Blur
Haha i know my signature is horrible :scared:
Edit:I have to say im really dissapointed in SSX it Toop me 2 minutes to realize how much the game sucks :mad: Ive playes Tricky before and i was expecting the same from Blur but Blur is slow and....boring Tricky was incredibly fast and exciting :frown2:
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Told you Red Steel was better...SSX Blur has a high learning curve from what I've heard. If you really don't like it though go trade in?
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MasterJedi2U said:
Told you Red Steel was better...SSX Blur has a high learning curve from what I've heard. If you really don't like it though go trade in?

For $20 hahaha no...
Shadowpunk said:
For $20 hahaha no...
No, he means go trade in for another game, not for money; Red Steel in particular.

Red Steel Multi kicks hard-time ass. :lol:
MasterJedi2U said:
I'm telling all Red Steel needed was Proximity Mines or Remote Mines and it would be the hottest FPS that Nintendo has had on its systems since GOLDENEYE! Dead serious here...its sad really though when you think about it. Other than that James Bond game where you could control that bomb helicopter and the land tank all the James Bond games have been PURE SH*T. Thank God I rented those games.

right on i wish the multi player was a little more like golden eye those weapons in that game were good

the maps were a little simpler as well good call i agree
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ssbb_lover said:
No, he means go trade in for another game, not for money; Red Steel in particular.

Red Steel Multi kicks hard-time ass. :lol:

Were @???I went to Gamestop recently and asked if i could trade a game and they said not unless i give them 2 Wii games :shocked:
I'd get Sonic and the Secret Rings. The single player is great and the multiplayer isn't that bad.
get every game LOL! why would u ask! just get them all! you lucky bastard!
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teh frog said:
get every game LOL! why would u ask! just get them all! you lucky bastard!
I would but all i have left is $70 and im saving that for Monday hopefully i get SPM :yesnod:

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