$300 shopping spree any suggestions???

My $300 Wii Shopping List
Red Steel - $29.99
WiiPlay - $49.99
Excite Truck (Sub SPM if you are not getting it for your B'day) - $49.99
SSX Blur - $49.99
2 Wiimotes - $79.98
Nunchuck - $19.99

Total (in this state) would be $302.32. Shop around for some used copies or check out eBay.
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  • #17
Jorge said:
My $300 Wii Shopping List
Red Steel - $29.99
WiiPlay - $49.99
Excite Truck (Sub SPM if you are not getting it for your B'day) - $49.99
SSX Blur - $49.99
2 Wiimotes - $79.98
Nunchuck - $19.99

Total (in this state) would be $302.32. Shop around for some used copies or check out eBay.

Nice list heres mine...
WiiPlay - $49.99
Excite Truck -$49.99
SSX Blur - $49.99
1 Wiimote - $39.99
2 Nunchucks - $19.99
Super Paper Mario- $49.99
=279.93 plus taxes=302.09 :thumbsup:

I dont know if im getting exactly $300 but i know thats the guaranteed least im getting paid and besides i have $7
MasterJedi2U said:
LOL PLEASE DO NOT GET WARIOWARE! Are you guys kidding me? Are you trying to this person to waste 50 hard earned dollars on a sh*tty game that only lasts a few hours tops?

The dude said their looking for a multi player game.. in my experience when I'm with a group of people playing the wii Wario Ware is the always the one that everybody wants to play.

Yes it doesn't take long to complete but still..multi player is great with it
But the multiplayer in Sonic is kind of bland.

For multiplayers with friends that come from time to time:
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam
SSX Blur
Blazing Angels
Red Steel has a pretty decent multiplayer

For a friend that comes over ALOT get Madden 07 & Dragon Ball Budokai Tenkaichi 2... I make the distinction cause the learning curve is more difficult.
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Okay i got my paycheck but they made an error so i only got $277.50 so i think im only gonna be able 2 buy 2 games bside Wiiplay nd i know Paper Mario is one of them and i think ima go 4 SSX Blur
wiiplay is a must if u want an extra mote. its a good deal since ur getting a wiimote anyways its 10 bucks more for a 9 mini games

excite truck is great to race with others

rayman is fun for multiplayer but i barely touch that game any more

i played monkey balls at my friends house and it has a lot of party games in it 50 i think
its cool i guess.

i hear mixed reviews (some love and some hate) about sonic but i also hear it has a great party mode

i would consider getting a few vc games like mario kart 64 its fun to play with multi players . street fighter is also a good old school game to reminisce on.

wiiplay (comes with a wiimote) 50
1 nunchuck 20
Paper mario 50
excite truck 50
sonic, rayman or monkey balls 50
230 so far

with the change u can do 1 of three things

get a wiimote and nunchuck set if u want a 3rd person 2 play for 60

choose another title out of sonic, rayman or monkey balls for 50

or another suggestion would b to spend ur change on vc games (gamecube or classic controller is needed controllers cost from used gc controller 10 - 20 classic controllers). personally i spent 20 bucks on 2 ps2 to gamecube converters and already had 2 ps2 controllers but this is a whole other topic
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  • #26
Yea ima get 2 Wiimotes & 2 Nunchucks because im planning on buying Mario Party 8.I was gonna buy Monkeyball but my friend has it and he said hed let me borrow it so i think im getting SSX & Super Paper Mario
no wiiplay? its worth the 10 extra
im waiting for super paper mario too
if ur not sure of ssx u could always wait it out
i mean u do have super paper mario to keep u busy
(In no particular order)

1. Marvel Ultimate Alliance

2. Excite Truck

3. Red Steel? (I have the game, not sure if it had good Multiplayer though, never tried it out. :/ I heard it was the best feature about it.)
I'm telling all Red Steel needed was Proximity Mines or Remote Mines and it would be the hottest FPS that Nintendo has had on its systems since GOLDENEYE! Dead serious here...its sad really though when you think about it. Other than that James Bond game where you could control that bomb helicopter and the land tank all the James Bond games have been PURE SH*T. Thank God I rented those games.
If you really wanted to be cheap you could just get a mod chip and burn games, but thats against the law

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