$300 shopping spree any suggestions???


WiiChat Member
Nov 21, 2006
Well im in vacations from school and i got a job and tommorows payday :ihih: And ima spend my $300 paycheck on my Wii only any suggestions on games:confused: Im looking for party games I have Zelda already and im thinking i might get Excite Truck & Raymon Rabbits what you think?Oh yea and Ima probrably get Paper Mario and a few Remotes & Nunchucks...
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Godfather....:nonod: Im leaning towards a more of a multiplayer game anyother suggestions?
Don't get Rayman..seriously..

If you want a multiplayer game then Wario Wares the way to go.

Also if you want more controllers AND you want multiplayer games then get wii play :)
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Yea ima get Wiiplay & a nunchuck well i heard Warioware gets pretty boring
LOL PLEASE DO NOT GET WARIOWARE! Are you guys kidding me? Are you trying to this person to waste 50 hard earned dollars on a sh*tty game that only lasts a few hours tops?

My advice is if you DON'T have it already get Red Steel. It has Multiplayera nd the 1P part of the game is AWESOME as well. I will warn you that the controls take a little bit of time to learn (not like 3 days or w/e...more like a few hours I'd say). However once you're comfortable with them you'll enjoy it so much. The storyline so far is good (I'm getting close to finishing the game) and the graphics are amazing. I'd say they're are either close or equal to Legend of Zelda graphics and they are a testament to how great ALL Wii games can look in the future if not better.

Other suggestions include, The Godfather, Madden 07 (Although 08 might be coming out really soon so you might want to 4get that one), and SSX Blur. Do NOT forget to SEARCH on the Internet for a current list of games available and if one sparks your interest just check out various sites to learn more. Nintendo's own website is really good I think just to get a little glimpse you know? And of course there is always biased IGN...
ssx blur, super paper mario, the godfather...

great games. or u could connect ur Wii online with the appropriate equipment and download some VC games...
dont spend all the money on ur wii though, put some by
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MasterJedi2U said:
LOL PLEASE DO NOT GET WARIOWARE! Are you guys kidding me? Are you trying to this person to waste 50 hard earned dollars on a sh*tty game that only lasts a few hours tops?

My advice is if you DON'T have it already get Red Steel. It has Multiplayera nd the 1P part of the game is AWESOME as well. I will warn you that the controls take a little bit of time to learn (not like 3 days or w/e...more like a few hours I'd say). However once you're comfortable with them you'll enjoy it so much. The storyline so far is good (I'm getting close to finishing the game) and the graphics are amazing. I'd say they're are either close or equal to Legend of Zelda graphics and they are a testament to how great ALL Wii games can look in the future if not better.

Other suggestions include, The Godfather, Madden 07 (Although 08 might be coming out really soon so you might want to 4get that one), and SSX Blur. Do NOT forget to SEARCH on the Internet for a current list of games available and if one sparks your interest just check out various sites to learn more. Nintendo's own website is really good I think just to get a little glimpse you know? And of course there is always biased IGN...

Yea i think ima go with SSX BLUR and Monkeyball :yesnod:
warioware is a good game....its funny and fun and when u beat it u get multiplayer which is Alright....but u should realli reserve games that arent coming out for a while(super smash bros if u can) that way when everyone is trying to dig up money u can just walk in on the launch day and juss pick them up....
Elebits is a great game. Edit Mode is amazing. Multiplayer not the best.

Super paper Mario. get it when it comes out.

Super Monkey ball: Banana Blitz's party games have mostly horrible controls.

Red Steel seems to be a good game. Multiplayer must be awsome.

WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a short game, but you can always play it over and over. Excellent Multiplayer. I suggest the Bugee Buddies minigame in multiplayer.

Wii Play looks worth the extra $10 if you want a Wimote.

Excite truck very fun. Really fast and huge air. very unrealistic

So I suggest getting Super Paper Mario when it comes out in a few days
godfather...trust me but excite truck looks gd...btw posting frm my wiiiii :D
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gh05t said:
warioware is a good game....its funny and fun and when u beat it u get multiplayer which is Alright....but u should realli reserve games that arent coming out for a while(super smash bros if u can) that way when everyone is trying to dig up money u can just walk in on the launch day and juss pick them up....
But idk about warioware with its 3 second minigames and nah ssbb isnt out for a while nd Paper Mario is coming out on my B-day :smilewinkgrin: yea and every1s lo0king forward to that day haha neways here ma list in order that i might get the games
Wiiplay(bcuz of Remote)
SSX Blur

And i dont think im buying monkeyball anymore because my friend just got a Wii and he has it i think i could let him borrow Zelda in exchange 4 it :ihih:

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