1v1 brawl league

Goddamn I haven't joined this thread here's my info
Wiichat name: Generalsma
Brawlname: Mitza
Brawl FC: 1289-8229-9135
Wii#: 4217-7433-9490-6011
GMT-8:00 Pacific Time
I'm ready for any challenge!

Bio I challenge you to a match. Are you in?
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Wow, I should really join this thread:

Wiichat name: move yours to the left (alternatively: Jirachi720)
Brawl FC: 1075-2929-5709
Brawl name: C720
Wii#: Coming soon (as soon as I become bothered to go check =P)
GMT +0

I'm ready for a challenge time
Anytime (not right now)
Hey Ck I challenge you to a rematch, next week around the same time. Let's say 8pm on Wednesday. Sound good? This time, Ill stick with Falco.
Ofcourse, rematch accepted. 8 PM, the 30th. Next time I'll be in better shape.

Did anyone enjoy that rape combo at the start of me and Lastwords' matches? :)

If you're accepted, General, expect a match from me soon. :p My aim is to crush everyone once a month (yes, crush, not lose: if I lose you can expect a rematch :p). That goes for you too, Jirachi.
lol include meh in some of this DX[/annoyed]

Oh and CK I officially stole your [/copy] things XD
I'll be ready for some Brawls tonight.
Like 12 midnight my time, or whenever.

And I think my Marth is coming alone nicely =)
I just need some more training from King.

Oh and CK ready for some Brawls whenever you are.
I'll Marth you... with spam Dx
And you'll Wolf me down with skill Dx
Spam and I do insult those "skills" of yours! I'm probably gonna be in it making it FFA.
Spam and I do insult those "skills" of yours! I'm probably gonna be in it making it FFA.

I know you insult my skills. And yes I know that I spam but gimme a break I haven't been on Brawl for like a month O.O

AQWorlds has killed my Brawl skills... Not that I had any anyway Dx
Yeah since I told you about it! I got on brawl alot more now and stopped playing AQW, wouldnt you be friking bored at level 20?
Well I've got bored with Brawl recently but I'm getting back in to it. And no lvl20 is fun, just annoying when Party and Friend requests come from every direction 10 ****ING seconds >_>
lol level 1-5 friend request noobs! It happens to me in shaiya all the time when I kill a boss that 3 noobs cant beat and there like "Your amazing! Accept party now!", IK tell em to get lost!

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