1v1 brawl league

Haha, I dig your music choice. I actually wasn't expecting all the brawls to be in one match video, but that actually makes things a lot easier to manage. Keep it up. =D

The video quality is great! It's very sharp. What filetype is it? I really don't have any gripes other than that Zero Suit Samus does have her own mugshot in the game, haha.

Great work. =)
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  • #167
yeah shadow would really liven this thread up :/
also i like the music choice, but i think that it's a little too dark.
other than that it's fine.
keep up the good work real-o.
@Bio: Glad you liked it. :) It's an H.264 video in an mp4 file, but when you upload to Youtube, it becomes a Flash video and quality is lost etc. Also, the WiiChat Youtube player seems to be scaling it down to fit in a smaller area, giving the appearance of sharpness. Try watching it at full size (and HQ).

@JonRyan: Thanks as well. But what is too dark, the music choice or the video? The video looks fine to me brightness-wise...
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Awesome. Then give us all the necessary info. We can't magically find you online, you know. =P

@JonRyan: Could you PM me the password to the Youtube account Godwind gave us? I'm not sure if real-o has the password, either.
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Ah, the first video. Everything seems fine, except for the brightness. The video itself is a bit too dark, if possible, making it lighter would be wise. On stages like the Halberd, things would be nearly unviewable.

I also think I played terribly in that match. >.>;
DP, big deal. Information update.

Sorry Godstepk1d, but **** came up and I'm nowhere near a Wii, on a friend's PC right now. We'll have to do this match later; ofcourse, I'll probably be home by 8, so if you're fine with that time, it's all good.
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  • #173
hmmm i thought we were creating a new account on youtube. i don't wanna take godwinds because it's a whole other league. not ours. i will create an account for us specifically.
Happy Lastwords? I'm 2-0 either way. :p Would of been better not wasting all this time, lol... ah well, I can't complain.

@ Real-o: [STRIKE]One of the Meta Knight dittos I sent you earlier was invalid, the first one. Me and Lastwords had a single rematch though, and I won again. I'll send you the new replay of the rematch; just warning you so you don't get confused or anything, lol.[/STRIKE]

@ Jon: I'll just send the replays to Real-o then, lol. Sending more replays now.

EDIT: Nevermind Real-o, you heard the man. I won't be sending that extra Meta Knight ditto. I'll send me and JonRyan's replays right away, though.

Crap, I didn't see that you edited that, and I deleted the first one already so I wouldn't be confused and I thought you had already sent the rematch. Send the first one again please? :crazy:

Note to self: never delete anything ever again.
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I sent a video to you real-o. Lost has the other. Im the ice climbers in the one I sent.

Also me and gold got videos mixed up so we are doing rematch. Lost and me = 1 for lost. 1 for me.

Im sending you the vid real-o
Real-o do you want me to send it over brawl or wii?
I added you, but its still awaiting reg. And Ive got a vid for you
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Well, that match was exhausting... With both exhaustion and lag in play, I'm suprised we didn't have a ton of draws. The results of me and Godstepk1ds match are in.

Match 1: Draw (time ran out, not bothered to save)
Match 2: Godstepk1d
Match 3: CK
Match 4: CK

I just barely won, mainly because I probably would of lost if he sticked with Falco. Meta vs. Zamus and Craptain Failcon is a bad idea. Sending videos to Real-o... Along with the vs. Lastwords match he erased.

GGs godstepk1d, no matter how much the lag pissed off the both of us. :p

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