1v1 brawl league

Nah, I just want some friendlies today. If it's all tourny matches, that'd be too serious and boring. :p I've got enough points for now anyways, I doubt anyone's going to take the lead by the end of today.

EDIT: ... Jirachi, are you coming onto me? ... Why am I a magnet to all the homos. .-.
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yes your in, bio might take a while to update the list but don't worry he's good at bookkeeping. as for osuito sure i'm on now. no officials for me today just ffa's. also anyone else wanting to join is welcomed. maybe we can get some 2v2's later :{p <--- mustache

edit: only match today that will be official is last words, that'll have to happen later tonight if you don't mind.
... Jirachi, are you coming onto me? ... Why am I a magnet to all the homos. .-.-

No, I needed summin funny to say. And also DON'T CALL ME A HOMO!!!

You gay or what? lol jk

Seriously tho... I need some Brawls so come online Dx
Looks like we've got an FFA in the making. I'll be getting online in like 3 minutes, I'll host so anyone can join. :p We can Brawl while waiting for Jon, Jirachi. Seeya there.
Looks like we've got an FFA in the making. I'll be getting online in like 3 minutes, I'll host so anyone can join. :p We can Brawl while waiting for Jon, Jirachi. Seeya there.

Okay, see ya there. And don't pwn me too bad Dx

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