1v1 brawl league

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  • #151
agreed ck.
i thought 3 was the magic number and i believe that was a common understanding but i shouldn't assume.
anyways yes as of now if anything cheap move or chain grab is used more than 3 times consecutively than you lose automatically and pts go to the other.

in regards to that ck i only chain grabbed you twice with two grabs :}
And ok, let's make it a window-time like between 7-7:15. Sound good?

Ya, it's all good. Time to make it 80 points. :D Joking. :p

in regards to that ck i only chain grabbed you twice with two grabs :}

That was only me being a dumbass. :p A chain grab is only a chain grab if after one throw, it's inescapable until released or until a certain percent. Wolf can only "semi" chain grab, meaning it's escapable. I honestly don't say Wolf's D-throw applies to the 3 limit rule unless you're against a wall; if you do go over 3 though, you're still an asshole. :p
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Rofl NO!!!!!!!

- deletes memory -

So I got a new strategy for IC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT cant I do that 3 combo... hit a regular move and start over?
Ahhh, don't be so spiteful Jon. :lol: I was only joking on the needing a challenge part. :p

Will do though. Too bad Shadow doesn't have Brawl right now...
I alone don't decide cheapness deduction in replays, but as far as my judgement goes, going over three chain grabs is literally asking for one.
But would doing a 3 chain then hitting them with a combo.... then can you do a chain grab again?
I would personally consider that under the "cheap deduction" (5 points to each player no matter who wins), if not an automatic loss. If you succeed in a chain grab only a few seconds after you did one, I personally think that'd serve as an auto loss. It's just plain cheap after all, lol.
Immediately doing another chain grab is spamming. And spamming is cheap.

Chain grabbing still has its usefulness, though, 0suit. It's worth learning since it's good for racking up damage on someone with a low %, for instance. Just don't abuse it (like any other technique).
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Here's the first video. It's CK vs. 0suitowner. I posted it on my own Youtube for now but can reupload if necessary.


Comments? Criticisms? (No, I don't care if you don't like rap :p)
More to come....

To those who have challenged me, I'll get to brawling soon. I am a little preoccupied with the videos.

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