1v1 brawl league


-1, 2, and 5 are Bio vs. 0suitowner (I am Jiggs. 1 and 2 are probably duplicates)

Order of the match:
-Jiggs vs. Ice Climbers
-Jiggs vs. ZSS

-3, 4, and 6 are Bio vs. JonRyan (Jon is Wolf)

Order of the match:
-Pit vs. Wolf (Corneria)
-Pika vs. Wolf (Delfino)
-Pika vs. Wolf (Smashville)

I think WiiConnect24 was being wierd with me since I sent so many at once both times.


I editted my post in case you didn't notice it. I am on the fence about teams. Regardless, though, nothing should happen until I get back, since my posts have player info.
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  • Thread Starter
  • Thread starter
  • #123
anyone who is on and wants to have an official match let me know(exluding ck for now, i don't feel like being made someone's B**** again :/)

rules will be as followed.
2stck 3mins
1st stage your pic, 2nd mine
3rd random.
no items.
Way to step up to the saving, CK. Much appreciated.

-----0suitowner and SSBfreakCK have played in a match-----


Results: 0-2
  • 0 wins (0 points) for 0suitowner
  • 2 wins (20 points) for SSBfreakCK

-----Lastwords? and SSBfreakCK have played in a match-----

Video: (awaiting replays)
Results: 0-2
  • 0 wins (0 points) for Lastwords?
  • 2 wins (20 points) for SSBfreakCK

-----JonRyan and SSBfreakCK have played in a match-----

Video: (awaiting replays)
Results: 0-2
  • 0 wins (0 points) for JonRyan
  • 2 wins (20 points) for SSBfreakCK


Pending Challenges:

Seeking Players:
  • 0suitowner challenges real-o (awating response)
  • Lastwords? challenges real-o (awaiting response)
Ready to Fight:
  • CK vs. Godstepk1d
  • JonRyan vs. Pichu2k7
  • 0suitowner vs. Lastwords?
  • JonRyan vs 0suitowner
  • [STRIKE]Godstepk1d vs 0suitowner[/STRIKE]: GAME! (awaiting results)

*Only results announced by Bio, real-o, or JonRyan will be recorded.
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Was that official 0suit?
I won.

@ck: It was alot closer though, I had alot higher chance of wining that then last time. Ill get you next time.
I didnt play u last?

Also jon sorry my mom kicked me off because she recore the news.... after shes done well plau
@JonRyan: Not sure about teams (lol, just saying it again since I think you missed my editted post).

Also, I need the password to the Youtube account. I want to put any videos that real-o uploaded into the posts I have that declare the winners.

@Everyone: You can always cancel a challenge if necessary. For instance, 0suitowner, the records show that you challenged Lastwords?, he accepted, and it has since not been updated on if it has been played/final score.
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