1v1 brawl league

Hey anax... **** you. meta knight is perfectly fine. Ive used him through a year and a half of professional gaming, and you want a point deduction? wtf? Im not going to change my main charecter after such a long career, and Im leaving if theres anytype of point deduction for my main. Its completly un-fair. Even if meta is a high teir, it doesnt mean that he gets point deductions.
Y so srs? ;D

Flaming, Last? How mature. =/ I thought you knew better; especially when reacting to someone opinion.

Nobody's telling you to change your character. A simple reduction in how many points you get per match isn't going to kill you. :p Everybody knows Meta has plenty advantages, and no disadvantagious match ups, that's pretty broken.

Even I agree there should be some sort of reduction, and I'm a Meta mainer myself. Just chill, yeah?
lol, i strongly disagree. If we add deductions/point bonuses then this thread will go out of wack, and everyone one will be confuesed. I think there should be a simple point deduction/addition. something to be rated on like this:
(lets say you won this one 2-0 so the "win" means you get the full 10pts)
Win: +10 (if you lost it would be -10)
style: +2 (Very good non repetitve)
Combos: -1 (lack of combos/bad combos)
Tier bonus: +0 (used a high tier like meta. mid tier +1, low tier +2)
Ko bonus: +2 (won both games without dying)
Spam: -2 (used b move far to much(ignore the style comment on this one))
Total: 11pts

If you go negitive then it just comes out as 0 pts.

comments? I like this idea better, cuz it avoids conflict and confusion.
lol, i strongly disagree. If we add deductions/point bonuses then this thread will go out of wack, and everyone one will be confuesed. I think there should be a simple point deduction/addition. something to be rated on like this:
(lets say you won this one 2-0 so the "win" means you get the full 10pts)
Win: +10 (if you lost it would be -10)
style: +2 (Very good non repetitve)
Combos: -1 (lack of combos/bad combos)
Tier bonus: +0 (used a high tier like meta. mid tier +1, low tier +2)
Ko bonus: +2 (won both games without dying)
Spam: -2 (used b move far to much(ignore the style comment on this one))
Total: 11pts

If you go negitive then it just comes out as 0 pts.

comments? I like this idea better, cuz it avoids conflict and confusion.

All of that is more complicated than what we have, as well as the current rules combined with what I suggested, Last. :p

no welcome back party? :'(

I already sent you a PM. :p But either way, no conversing. >.>
Still disagree ck... It seems the general idea is self made melee style bonusess + actual melee style bonuses. I also tornyed in melee, and I had every bonus meorized ( I dont now, that was forever ago) and I know that theres alot, and there comlicated. if we have 4-5 catagories to judge on w/out specific bonuses mentioned ( judges dont have to specify anything, just give a score ) then I think it would be easier, then un catagorized, numerous bonuses that would need a key to figure out.
I think it would be better MORE simplified:lol:

+5 each win
-2 each loss

+10 for a huge combo bonus
-2 each time caugh spamming, every second camping
-20 for false claims, lying and being a sore loser BLAMING LAG IS BEING A SORE LOSER
Well since i sensed a legue revolution, I had to put in my imput. And I like the rules now too. It was the tier deduction that pissed me off. If anything there should be a tier addition for low tier charecters.
Hey anax... **** you. meta knight is perfectly fine. Ive used him through a year and a half of professional gaming, and you want a point deduction? wtf? Im not going to change my main charecter after such a long career, and Im leaving if theres anytype of point deduction for my main. Its completly un-fair. Even if meta is a high teir, it doesnt mean that he gets point deductions.

Whoa, no offense meant. I just meant my comments as ways to foster variety and such, because MK is a frequent choice to win against almost any characters. If you actually main him cool for you, but know MK is near broken and people get tired of fighting him all the time.

Actually, your tier bonus idea would do exactly the same, as instead of deducting it´s adding for lower tiers. Still, like CK says, some top tiers don´t have as much power as MK, such as Diddy Kong and DDD.

and yes, I like the low tier bonus. (Yay Pokemon Trainer!)
Hey if there is a tier bonus does that mean a rule NO SHPAMMIN LOW TIERS? If so that would be gay because the Mother characters are the only ones im good with really
Sorry anax for going off...
But pichu brought up a good point. If you main as a low tier and always get a +2 bonus, is that fair? Tiers play a role, but from my professional experience, its the player, not the charecter. Tiers mainly effect noobs and quick match ups, but the game is mainly how you use your charecter not which charecter it is. If anything there should be a bonus, but I place my vote for no bonus no deductions on tier.

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