£12.99 Wireless Keyboard for Internet Channel

Ok, I too 2nds Clive, got my keyboard today after a job interview.. This keyboard is straight forward to set up, literally plug in, sync n go jus like you did upon buying your wii n synchronizing the wiimotes.

At 1st when i saw the price as Clive stated i thought it would be a pretty basic keyboard and would probs be just plain oblong.. but in actual fact the design is nice and it has the same hot keys i have on my standard keyboard (altho of course they cant be used with the wii but there there for if i use it with my PC).

Thanks for pointing it out :)
that would be a life saver
but i bet it sucks up batteries like a
drunk on skates.
hiMe said:
that would be a life saver
but i bet it sucks up batteries like a
drunk on skates.

I havnt been using it long so i cant help u there.. it comes with batteries for mouse and keyboard to start you off which is nice.

I have rechargeable batteries anyway, got them not long after getting my Wii for my Wiimotes. Thats why I asked earlier in the thread how many batteries it takes, cus if it was 4 like I pressumed it would be, then I wud of needed more batteries.
Its just the two tho so I can have one pair in my Wiimote n the other in keyboard so no money down the drain for me :D
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nope roughly £5
cus the exchange rate is at $2=£1
I bet it does suck down power at an alarming rate. If it takes only 2 AA batteries than it might not be too bad. Anything else, might wanna invest in rechargables batteries.
clive69 said:
Hi Folks,

Just bought wireless keyboard on Saturday to go with my new Wii I bought the week before and thought I should share the good news. Argos do a Mikomi wireless USB keyboard and Mouse (although the mouse is no use for the Wii as you need to use the Wiimote) for only £12.99 and it works absolutely fine with the Wii. Catalogue number 675/2840 if your interested. Much easier when you have downloaded the internet channel or want to send your friends messages via the wii message icon



I've got a wireless USB keyboard and mouse set that I'm using on my Wii too.
Mine was £19.99 down from £29.99 from Maplin. (and yes the mouse is pointless as you use the better Wiimote but it's free with the boards so WOTEVA TREVOR).

I have just bought my parents a Wii for Yuletide as they cant use a PC and they want to get online to eMail mainly.
I'll probably be getting one of these for them too as thats cheap as chips.

CAN YOU TELL ME....... Whats the range on the keyboard?
My one from Maplin has a USB dongle type thing and a USB dongle extension wire type affair which moves the dongle out 1 meter.
The range from the dongle is about 1 meter so its only a total 2 meter range which is a bit pony.

My parents will need a longer range you see, cheers if you can help.

looks a bit large"ish" doesnt it >.>;;;
plus it ruins the whole color of the wii xDDD
but thats not the point ._.
hiMe said:
looks a bit large"ish" doesnt it >.>;;;

Sorry about that .. is this better.. lol.. :lol:


But it is still only 12" x 9" any smaller and the keys are not as useable

hiMe said:
plus it ruins the whole color of the wii xDDD

Yep but it matches with my chrome and glass coffee table :wink:

well if keyboards can work on the wii now whats the freakin hold up on allowing us to chat with the keyboard like Call of Duty 3 and other online games?

i mean if they made the game at first without allowing chat they can just make a small patch add it in the wiiware channel to download or make a new version of the game allowing it or simply stop making the one that doesnt have chat and make the ones that allow it.

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