Microsoft® Remote Keyboard for Windows®


WiiChat Member
Feb 16, 2008
Hello all, I new to forum.

I bought wii for Christmas present for my 3 daughters, but found tremendous benefits for my wife to check email and online browsing from living room television.

Quickly realizing how tedious it is to use the remote i started searching for wireless keyboards, I brought over from my desktop my logitech and was happy with results, but wanted to try and find a keyboard with built in mouse to eliminate the need for the remote during internet channel usage.

I went out an found the Microsoft® Remote Keyboard for Windows®
XP Media Center Edition used and after hooking it up find it does not work.

Is there anyone whom has found out a work around using this exact keyboard?

Do you mean the mouse and keyboard did not work, or just the mouse?

To my knowledge, all wireless usb keyboards are compatable with the wii, although I don't think you can get any mice to work, because the browser recognizes the remote as the default mouse.

Welcome to WiiChat. Have a good stay and good luck with your wii.
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Nothing worked

The keys didn't acknowledge I was typing, nor the mouse/pointer.

I do know the unit is working for the following reasons

1. the light on the usb receiver blinks every time I touch any key

2. I followed the instruction to program the keyboard to use it with my television for power and volume which did work.
Your problem is beyond my realm of knowledge.

Just make sure that when you're attempting to type, you're on the screen with the blown up keyboard. Again, I doubt the mouse is supposed to be working, though. I'd focus your attention on the keyboard.

Good luck.
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idjut said:
awe... i hope you get this. i use this keyboard and love it :) like a blackberry
I believe the user wants to try and get a mouse working as well.

My only question would be have you tried plugging in a normal mouse to see if it moves the pointer? As for the keyboard, the system has no driver supporting it probably.

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