007 Embassy [E7]: GoldenEye 007

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I am interested on joining this clan,
InGameName: ]{!NG$
Friend Code: Will post this later
Favorite weapon: So far it Avova DP3, (I do so love this weapon, even with it issues :D), Kunara V (Love how you have to press the trigger button fast <3)
You probably already know this,
if you want you can change the gun setting of the kunara so that it does not shoot in small burst, but continously.
Sweet, sounds cool. I dont think i can recruit u, but idc, we need ur FC, and we need u to read the rules on page 1, my FC is in the grid along woth everyone else's. Add [LC] to the end of yor name, and hopefully we can play together sometime. Most E7 members are on around -12:EST- usually 11.
As for joining the clan, DelaBonda has the final say.
Though i see no reason why not, as long as you keep to the clan rules.
@Magikarp, Delta was in the LC clan before, an honest and somewhat funny mistake :)
As to InSiiDiouS, he is a good player, who joined us during practice.
But as to wether he is commited to the E7 clan i have no idea.
Xplode and Yoshi know him, so maybe they can give the answer.
Thanks for backing me up, Roald. :)

KINGS: Please tackle [E7] at the end of your IGN to be accepted; I'll add you to our group's page once you do so. :)
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How many members do we want in this clan? We must be close to 20 by now:)As for James being in the clan, I don't think he is in the clan, he just likes to troll. And he has E4 at the end of his name.
Andrew: That is true... we have around 25 or so. I think we should stop around this number for now. :)
If that's the case with James, can you remove him from the main list? Thanks.
Andrew, while you at it can you fully update the main list.
Cause i've seen E7 members online, whom i can't find in the main list.
E7 clan has grown big in almost no-time.
We must definitely been doing someting right.
But i'm with Dela on this, the clan shouldn't be too big.
I mean you should still know who exactly is in the clan.

and on an entire different note,
i only need 90k to have obtained the strata on all my run&gun profiles.
Sweet, sounds cool. I dont think i can recruit u, but idc, we need ur FC, and we need u to read the rules on page 1, my FC is in the grid along woth everyone else's. Add [LC] to the end of yor name, and hopefully we can play together sometime. Most E7 members are on around -12:EST- usually 11.

[LC]??? ... Not [E7]? Am I missin' somethin', or are you drunk? :lol:

Yeah, right! What's this [LC] thing you speak of?! Boooooooo :prrr:
Andrew: That is true... we have around 25 or so. I think we should stop around this number for now. :)If that's the case with James, can you remove him from the main list? Thanks.
:O What's going on here?
Sorry. My badddd i meant E7. LC was my last clan. I was in for 2 years, and then it died. Rly sorry guys
And btw, i have a cousin who is lvl 6, but hes great, and he really wants to join E7. I will get his FC for u to check him out yourselves. Also, plz add Dread to the chart, lvl 20. Thanks
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