Zelda Virgin

Ocarina of Time was one of those amazing, nostalgic games that will have you saying "Wow, It should be hard to find another game like this!". I don't think that it was the best game ever, but it sure was fun.
This Zelda game will rock like all the others in the series be a game to get for any Wii owner.
I looove the Ocarina of time, but the Link to teh past was really good too but I found them to be very simila, especially with the names of towns and people.
I've only played Zelda on SNES, really fun so i plan on getting the Wii version too.
You're lucky Wii is backwards compatable and has downloadable N64/NES games! You should ofcourse get Z:TP, but also when you're not kicking ass on that, take a moment to contemplate buying the older versions. Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, I highly recommend. :)
jiarachi_dancing_man said:
ive played alot of zelda and it is arguably the best game series ever!

I would agree. Besides mario i would say Zelda is the next most recognizible game in the world. From all consoles. Zelda is a definite must buy, you won't be disappointed. I've played all console Zelda games and it only gets better and better. This game has been delayed and delayed, and yes it is worth the wait just wish we didnt have to wait this long.
See that's the thing... Zelda IS a great series yes, but the worst thing people can do really (I'm aware of the hippocrisy) is talk it up. Getting people amped for something, then when they play it, it's not as amazing as they'd hoped. Still good... but bleak in comparison to their expecations.

Partially makes me want to 'forget' about the Wii for a while, atleast up untill it comes out, that way, it'll seem even awesomer..erer...er...
I got used to the controls in MM and OoT now its gonna be confusing with the new controls 0.o
EVERY game is going to be confusing with the new controls. It's going to be a very interesting first few months. o_O Like being a "goodie two shoes" going "Kinky".
I'm going to try and beat OoT before I get my Wii, luckily I still have my N64 and OoT cartridge :D
The only thing you'll miss out on are potential in-jokes or references to other games. Other than that the games are independant. OoT is an amzing game but i've always prefered The zelda game on the SNES. Actually i might get my SNES out and start playing it again.
I've played and conquered all the Zelda games out on Nes, Snes, N64, and Cube...but TP looks to be super...not to be alarming, but I believe it said there are some referencing to OoT...I'm almost 100% positive somone, like Miamoto or Aounuma or that Bill guy from localization, said that they reference OoT in TP
You can always get Zelda OOT for the VC and the finish taht one however its going to take you some time its long enough then play TP

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