What's the first game you will play!?!?

my friend and i are both getting a wii (me with TP and monkey ball and him with TP and exite truck) so were gonna make our mii's then play some wii sports on our own. then together. then well play TP for a few hours then finaly switch to excite truck and mokey ball. should be a blast.

I CANT WAIT !!!!!!!! only 4 days
well after waitin that long gonna go home get somethin to eat set up my wii play Wii sports multiplayer for awhile until my sister gets tired of losin to me then gonna play TP
chilly233 said:
Best place to get your wii: YourNintendoWii4Free.com/index.php?ref=3668513

Shut up.

Holy **** I dunno, Ive actually done a lot of thinking on this. Ill be so excited! But first things first. I have to configure the internet first and then Ill come all up in here and post, -get this-, from my Wii. Make a Mii, check the weather and the news just to keep up to date on things. Then stright to TP. Red Steel should be within my financial grasp if I can make my stash hold out, and should act as a TP interlude as well to cut down on frustration and not always having to fall back on Wii Sports.
I'll play

First I'll play Wii Sports
then Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz or Excite Truck

Wii Fund $377.18 more when I get paid Tomorrow

I can't wait only 3 More Days Sweet-O

By the way I was in a article about the wii in my local newspaper I told them I was more excited about the Wii then Christmas.
I'll make a Mii, then configgle around with the interwebs. Maybe give the weather channel a looksie.

Then I'll go and play Wii Sports~

And the, if I have it, i'll play Legend of Zelda.

I've preorderd nothing. I just hope there are enough PS3 lovers out there to leave me a Wii...