zelda: twilight princess, hard or easy

I liked the game itself but it was far too short I beat it in less then 30 hours easily I liked the game but it didnt have the zing that majora's mask or ocarina of time had not enough side games or mini cut scenes just the little things that made a good game great, also to state this I beat it on the GC first and then the Wii about 3 months after I bought it for GC. EVERYTHING WAS BACKWARDS!!! whats up with that?
Beautiful, enjoyed every second of it.
I still go in to it just to wander around.

Anyone recommend something similar?
Okay (don't laugh at me:scared: ) I actually thought it was kind of hard. I got really stuck at some parts. Right Now, I'm still on Hyrule Castle. I don't really know what to do after you go up the steps using the lantern and the gale boomerang.
The whole game was way too easy, especially the fight with ganon. Oh my God that was a let down.
This is the first Zelda game I've played and it's quite cool, keeps me challenged. It's got me downloading the classic ones from VC
It was easy. I had gone through OoT with three hearts and no shield without dieing (except the mirror shield with is a must for sand temple) I havent tried going through TP yet with base hearts but after the life replenishing red slimes, it will be far to easy.

I understand its for kinds but Big N really needs to start thinking about difficulty options.
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Zelda's for kids? Dammit! And I turned 18 eight years ago, and have been playing all this time! I weep with shame.
It depends if you are a zelda fan. If you have played most of the Zelda games it will be easy. When i got it I had played windwaker all the way through so it was about medium. I just downloaded ocarina!!!!!!!!!:cornut:
I haven't gotten far yet, but so far, I agree about the bosses. The plant one was ridiculously easy. It is fun though, so that's what keeps me playing.

Just because the bosses are easy doesn't make the whole game easy... anyone who says thay didn't get stuck on a some puzzles at least once is LYING!!
So its not easy? im getting it for my b day in about 3 days - im sad because the bosses are easy - but is it really good (or hard enough to quench the thirst of an ocarina of time difficulty fan?? :)

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