Zelda Timeline Theories

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  • #17
While I agree that Link does talk at certain points, the CD-i games don't count as canon.
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  • #22
Whether it's canon or not is irrelevant!

He simply claimed that Link doesn't talk. Now go bomb some Dodongos!
Let me solve all of your SS Tmeline issues right here.

If you payed any attention to the word "incarnation", which I might add is in light blue text, shows that this is before the original Legend of Zelda game.

To even further my point, you need to get the sacred flames in order to get the Master Sword. In just about every Zelda game(Excluding Four Swords,) The Master Sword is already there.

That right there should prove my point.

Also, Fi is the original form of Navi.

How do I know this? Fi is more annoying that Navi. Nuff said.
They are certainly more annoying things in Skyward Sword.

Fighting a boss, Link stops and holds up a Ornamental Skull.

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