Man Plays Every Zelda Game In A Month


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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Zach, the man behind the website ‘View From Heaven’ has taken it upon himself to play every canonical Zelda title in a month in order to sort out the official timeline for himself. The official timeline printed in the Zelda art book ‘Hyrule Historia’ was released after his quest had begun, and like a true gamer, he has now finished it and released his findings into a 20 chapter, 56 page [COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]PDF[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] available from his site.

He notes major events, characters and overall plots to determine the timeline for himself, and although I haven’t read the whole thing myself it does look intriguing. I’ll be sure to get tucked into it tonight.

Zach played through 16 Legend Of [COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]Zelda [/FONT][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]games[/FONT][/COLOR][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR], and took into account that being Japanese titles originally, some things may have been lost in translation. He also took into account that after major facts or plots are established in one game, future games conform to them despite contradicting previous titles. It’s tricky to make a timeline from a contradictory [COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important][COLOR=blue !important][FONT=inherit !important]saga[/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/COLOR] that spans 25 years, but he has seemed to achieve it.

Check his site here.

And the PDF here.
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I don't know, it messed up, that was out of my control.
56 pages of how a game series' stories canonically fit together into a time line?


Sign me up. :lol:
This goes along with what i was essentially looking to do playing through each game in the hyrule historia timeline in order although i wasn't planning on doing a writing about it lol...ill have to read this more in depth when i have more time

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