Zelda Orcana Of Time


Aug 21, 2007
Lehi Utah
Wii Online Code
I have noticed this game lags a little bit. When I pause the game, it lags, takes around three seconds to fully pause, maybe less than that, but longer than normal. Also, when I click the home button on the remote, that takes a few seconds as well, longer than usual. I deleted the game, and re downloaded it, and it still lags. I was wondering if this was normal. Please reply as soon as you can, thanks.
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One last thing. What all are the possible things that could happen to the wii system if the power plug becomes unplugged, while the wii was turned on?
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Again, sorry.... um, my program takes thirty seconds to load up. This is the Wii Shop Channel. From the point when I click start the program, to the first page of the channel, the start shopping, add wii points etc. I was wondering if this was normal....

Any tips on saving your progress in Orcana of time?

Any time I save the game and then come back at a later date the game does not put me back where I saved. I save my game using the inventory / map screen. I've just started the game (I'm in the Tree thingy) and I'm getting tired of killing the stupid spiders and then having to start over at the entrance every time I come back. Is this a bug?
tomba said:
Any tips on saving your progress in Orcana of time?

Any time I save the game and then come back at a later date the game does not put me back where I saved. I save my game using the inventory / map screen. I've just started the game (I'm in the Tree thingy) and I'm getting tired of killing the stupid spiders and then having to start over at the entrance every time I come back. Is this a bug?

no that's how the game is, It sucks, we know
So is there any logic to saving? Where does the game decide to put you when you save it? Is there any point in even saving the game?
Yes there is. Because all the doors you opened, all the items you received, and all that stuff, will be completed/finished. You just start at the beginning of the temple. Bummer.

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