ZCam Let You Play Games Without Any Controller, Cooler Than The Wiimote?

Ashwii00 said:
especially when you are playing "shake the can" in mario party 8.....

hahaha oh that ones great. you almost dont wanna win that one, cuz you always get the comments like "so... not getting much from the girlfriend huh?" or "sure looks like you've been praticing."
Hahahahah i know! 4 of us were playing and we stopped mid-game and all looked at eachother and busted out laughing.
to be honest with you i dont care for playstation and with that z cam **** there just trying to copy off the wii. playstation is really getting desperate
lol shake the can, just another pointless game like the one were u gota wash the big black ball dog,
its a glorified eye toy.. big deal? israel is dumb lol jk.

i cant see myself playing a game like this.. id rather have buttons to go with motion controls instead of raising my finger to shoot something lol.

it could work in some games though i suppose..gimicky mini games could be fun.. i think?

Comparing the Eyetoy to a Wiimotemote? What's next... Have you guys seen what the ps3's eyetoy can do? Playing a card game, it can tell the difference between the entire deck. Not very fun, but shows that it's freaking sensitive as hell.
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just imagine if the Nintendo gets a hold of this thing tho, the games would be so realistic and possibly more fun
brigipson said:
to be honest with you i dont care for playstation and with that z cam **** there just trying to copy off the wii. playstation is really getting desperate
You know that it's an ISREALI COMPANY and not SONY ENTERTAINMENT right? And that I have to remind you that Sony is infact, Japanese based? kthx

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