My reviews on games ive played


WiiChat Member
Nov 19, 2006
Well a lot of people who have been wanting a wii or are about to get a wii or have a wii want to know some things about some games. Well here is my review on the games i have played and i hope it comes in handy for you one day.

First, Call of duty 3: Call of Duty 3 is probabley one of the more popular ones which most have played but i thought i would put it up here anyways. You konw those games where if you dont touch either of the joystiqs your player with his gun still moves as if hes breathing? Well for the wii it doens't need that. If you are not resting your hand on your knee to balance the wiimote it is just like holding a gun, because you cant hold your wrist or arm completely straight the gun mimics your action making the player's gun move up and down, that was the first thing i noticed which i thought was very realistic. Also people keep saying how the graphics in a wii are going to suck, well you can truly say in this game that those statements are false. I noticed the graphics seem much better than a ps2 mixed with the excitement of the wiimote. Also driving is a hoot. My only problem with this game is it was short and no multiplayer, multiplayer is a big thing for me so that drops it down quite a bit in my rating... 6/10

DBZ Budokai Tenkiblahlblahblah 2: The biggest trouble when you first start playing is the controls, they will confuse the heck out of you. Basically you flick the nunchuck to dash and you use the wiimote to do your kamahamahas and your galaktic gun. This is very amusing untill you keep screwing up what move you want to do or you just wont do it at all. The best part of this game is the story mode tho, it goes from bardoch (before dragon ball) to the end of dbz gt, which takes you a long time to complete and has loads of enemies and bosses. Multiplayer is fun but it is split screen but still very competitive.... 7/10

Super swing golf: After playing wii sports golf you get a taste of what golf may be like on the wii, but wait untill you play this before you judge gold on nintendo wii. Basically to swing you pull back on the wii mote like you would a golf club untill the bar at the bottem reaches where you want it to reach representing power. After it has reached where you want it to, hold A and then swing away. If you twist your remote either way you will slice the ball, just like as if you were really golfing. This game is so fun with family and friends, i have never seen my mom and dad play a video game before and they even were when i wasn't home. The con of this game is that putting does not feel realistic, you wont notice if you dont golf but if you do to put the ball in super swing you must bend your wrist back which you would never do on a green in real life... 7/10

Excite truck: Many wanted to know if they should buy this if they have not already. This is my favourite out of all i am reviewing today because of the fun you have with family and friends in this one. Believe it or not i played against a friend (female) who NEVER plays video games AND SHE BEAT ME!! and guess what, she had so much fun she wanted to play again. Basically you drive the truck like you would a well... truck! you flick the wiimote to put boost on it and its just a hoot jumpin over each other and racing to the finish line. Only con is single player is not as fun after u have played with friends... 8.5/10

Madden 07: I love madden, and i love multiplayer madden, but one thing ruind it for me and that is that my friends can see what play im picking when i pick it and i cant seem to figure out how to change that on multiplayer, besides that using the nunchuck and wiimote as your hand gestures can be very fun and competitive, i would reccomend waiting for madden 08 though, thats what im doing, im sure there will be many improvements in it.

In conclusion enjoy your Nintendo wii if and when you get one or if you already have one, and i hope once again that this review has helped you in your search for good games..

PS: i didnt review Zelda wiisports or Redsteel because everyone has seen many reviews on them.
about madden... there is a way to fake the play that you want to pick. Then you pick the other play and you keep the play you picked before... but, unfortunately, i havent played madden yet. so i dont know how to do it... look it up, i know that i heard it somewhere.
you scroll over the play you want, click B then the wiimote will rumble, then click any other the play and the play you selected with B will be your play

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