Your views on the people on the internet.

Frogger said:
My uncle is scarily close to the people in his WoW guild, he's took me with them, but like, they talk about their jobs and all that, xD. Plus, I really really hate the game, he can play it with my aunty and have nerd love.

I don't join forums mainly because I never really like the people on it, and I can only say I've found a couple of decent people here, at the most, Adam's turned out to be worth while though ;). I much prefer anything chat room style, or games that offer chat boxes, that's where I met all of my friends, and you do get to know their personality from their writing.

MSN works wonders, voice chat, yeah.

Mmmmmm nerd love, the best kind IMO, hehe...

There's one guy in our guild who lives in Texas and is the most sarcastic - and hilarious - person you'll ever talk to, and trust me, I've known some really sarcastic people in my time. He works for NCSoft and had this story about how he had to fire someone in his department, and was pissed that HR couldn't/wouldn't do it. He then went on a rant on what HR departments actually do, or don't do as the case may be... it was pretty damn funny.

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