LOL! finally got to play TG-16 games

Zackh321 said:
Looking at vc-reviews the TG-16 has a crapload of games. The second highest of any system with the NES beating it as the system with the most games.

Here's the thing. Out of all of those games only 26 have a 4 star or above rating on the TG. Over half of the games they put out don't deserve to be on the VC according to that scale. The NES has 27 4 to 5 star games. I'm not sure if that's as reliable, though. I mean Metroid has a 3 star rating according to them. There could be some other games on the TG-16 that have 3 stars that may actually be pretty cool or my nostalgia of playing games on the system (If I actually owned it back then) could cause a bias. I don't know. I still enjoy Metroid is all I know.

Interestingly, if we're going by their standards, that would make 26/49 = 53% of TG-16 games worthy of at least 4/5, while only 27/61 = 44% are that good on the NES. So the Turbografx is better? :lol:

Not having played every NES and TG-16 game on there, I can't say if I'd agree, but personally I think Metroid deserved that 3/5. It's a decent game, but it feels quite dated nowadays, and the bland black backgrounds make it way too easy to get lost. Super Metroid however, is easily worth its 5.
Yeah, the TG-16 was awful. I was lucky enough to only get 3 of the best games the console had to offer. There's probably 5-10 total worth playing. The console only has 89 games on it! I guess what stopped me from buying any more than 2 games(came with Kieth Courage) was the SNES. Everytime I had cash, I got SNES games. They were worth every penny! Also by the time I was interested in buying more TG-16 games, the stores stopped carrying them.

TG-16 taught me a valuable lesson. Unless you have 5 games you want for that console, 5 games you must have, don't bother buying the console. The 360 is 4/5 for me. Castlevania SOTN(Rented the PS1 game), Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD, Lost Planet, Marvel vs Capcom 2(Supposed to be backwards compatible).
Well, one reason why NES and SNES had more games is because of their exclusive contract deals they did. If a company wanted to make an NES game they could only put that game on the NES. They got into some legal trouble because of it and had to stop doing it. Anyway, the result was systems like the TG-16 mostly got Hudson games and didn't get much 3rd party support.
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Zackh321 said:
Well, one reason why NES and SNES had more games is because of their exclusive contract deals they did. If a company wanted to make an NES game they could only put that game on the NES. They got into some legal trouble because of it and had to stop doing it. Anyway, the result was systems like the TG-16 mostly got Hudson games and didn't get much 3rd party support.

I wish LJN had an exclusive system. :lol:
Conan the Librarian said:
I wish LJN had an exclusive system. :lol:

What's LJN?

*checks Wikipedia*

Oh dear god...

Interesting factoid: according to Wikipedia, LJN was actually used by Acclaim to get around Nintendo's draconian limits on third-party games.
Napalmbrain said:
Interestingly, if we're going by their standards, that would make 26/49 = 53% of TG-16 games worthy of at least 4/5, while only 27/61 = 44% are that good on the NES. So the Turbografx is better? :lol:

Not having played every NES and TG-16 game on there, I can't say if I'd agree, but personally I think Metroid deserved that 3/5. It's a decent game, but it feels quite dated nowadays, and the bland black backgrounds make it way too easy to get lost. Super Metroid however, is easily worth its 5.

Yeah, but the TG-16 has nearly half of the games ever released on the system available. There's about 810 NES games according to Wikipedia.
sagema said:
Yeah, the TG-16 was awful. I was lucky enough to only get 3 of the best games the console had to offer. There's probably 5-10 total worth playing. The console only has 89 games on it! I guess what stopped me from buying any more than 2 games(came with Kieth Courage) was the SNES. Everytime I had cash, I got SNES games. They were worth every penny! Also by the time I was interested in buying more TG-16 games, the stores stopped carrying them.

TG-16 taught me a valuable lesson. Unless you have 5 games you want for that console, 5 games you must have, don't bother buying the console. The 360 is 4/5 for me. Castlevania SOTN(Rented the PS1 game), Super Street Fighter II Turbo HD, Lost Planet, Marvel vs Capcom 2(Supposed to be backwards compatible).
ahh... good old SNES I remember those days! I used all my money on em too

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