Your views on the people on the internet.

back on topic: (re-enforced)

i think meeting people from the internet is a grand idea.
and now, brawny, i will re-enforce that i give the twoshi**s that you mentioned in your original post. :yesnod:
Keep in mind guys the topic of this thread. It's in no way for discussing meet ups.
PM people if you wish to do this.
Yeah, I'm bumping this thread.

This topic seems pretty one-sided, and to be quite honest, I thought it would be the other way around. My guess is that is due to the fact that only vets have posted here? So this is your formal invitation, newbs.

Anybody consider no one here to be their friend? Anybody feel strongly that you can't form the same kind of relationship over the internet? I know you guys are out there. Don't be shy :)
Behold- A newb is here.

I have been a part of various communities, mostly based around games. I have never felt the need to meet the people I have 'met', but I have a certain kind of care for them, since everyone is inherently special in their own way, imho. Now, the only person I have counted as a friend, was a clan-mate from my Runescape phase(Yes, I understand its a sucky game now:lol: ). Known him for about 2 years, part of the reason I felt a bit more secure about it was because he was from Belgium.:smilewinkgrin:

I will say that an internet friend is no substitute as a RL friend. I feel you have a much deeper relationship with someone you talk with, then someone you type with.
LevesqueIsKing said:
Yeah, I'm bumping this thread.

This topic seems pretty one-sided, and to be quite honest, I thought it would be the other way around. My guess is that is due to the fact that only vets have posted here? So this is your formal invitation, newbs.

Anybody consider no one here to be their friend? Anybody feel strongly that you can't form the same kind of relationship over the internet? I know you guys are out there. Don't be shy :)

Noobs meaning parents, and you know they can't use computers. ;)
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LevesqueIsKing said:
Yeah, I'm bumping this thread.

This topic seems pretty one-sided, and to be quite honest, I thought it would be the other way around. My guess is that is due to the fact that only vets have posted here? So this is your formal invitation, newbs.

Anybody consider no one here to be their friend? Anybody feel strongly that you can't form the same kind of relationship over the internet? I know you guys are out there. Don't be shy :)

I think something can be said about that. The reason the "vets" are still here isn't because we're all fond of the wii, but that we enjoy the...relationships...we have created here.
Brawny said:
I think something can be said about that. The reason the "vets" are still here isn't because we're all fond of the wii, but that we enjoy the...relationships...we have created here.

Do you give hugs fo fwee?
Brawny said:
I think something can be said about that. The reason the "vets" are still here isn't because we're all fond of the wii, but that we enjoy the...relationships...we have created here.
well since im a "vet" and i sold my wii, i would say theres some truth to your post... that and me just getting a kick out of making 10 year olds cry. D:
Well those times are fine in my opinion. Co$ Toronto was much fun. However I wouldn't really jump into any close encounters with just 1 person.

I do
But then again the only one on ones are just for one thing

[DT] said:
We've got a CP visit on deck for this year! **Got** to check out The Maverick!

Enojy the party van
Brawny said:
Reading this sparked my interest a bit. (As well as some second party influences...)

So ranging from "complete strangers I steal Wii information off of" to "I have no "real" friends", where do you stand? Do you actually give two shits about your fellow Wiichatters?

I think my views are blatantly obvious, and while I could go into a 5 page ramble, I will save it for later, I suppose.

I would say I have a closer relationship with the people in my WoW guild, but that's only because we actually talk to each other, as opposed to posting on message boards. I definitely don't have that here, but for me it's a lot easier to get to know someone if you are verbally communicating with them. At the same time, if we have a guild run - tentatively - scheduled for a night, and I decide to go out, I will (and have) ditch my WoW friends in a heartbeat, lol.
My uncle is scarily close to the people in his WoW guild, he's took me with them, but like, they talk about their jobs and all that, xD. Plus, I really really hate the game, he can play it with my aunty and have nerd love.

I don't join forums mainly because I never really like the people on it, and I can only say I've found a couple of decent people here, at the most, Adam's turned out to be worth while though ;). I much prefer anything chat room style, or games that offer chat boxes, that's where I met all of my friends, and you do get to know their personality from their writing.

MSN works wonders, voice chat, yeah.
Frogger said:
MSN works wonders, voice chat, yeah.

The last person to her me speak wondered what the hell I was sayin

Yeah but mine is a mix
Dont know where the Yorkshire accent came from
Same with the Isrh
Same with the cockny
And the geordie accent was from my northen parts
Nobody in my family is or has ever been Irsh

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