Your views on the people on the internet.

Prez said:
I've met more of "those people" than I'm ever gonna meet wiichatters. Thing is though, they are everywhere, so it's not hard.
Ive met people from other sites but that wasnt a kind of meet you could say on a PG site

But I dont wanna meet people from the sites I mentioned before
Even thow they where gonna do a raid on some convention in my area
Eg of a past one

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To those of you against meeting people in-person from online: are you a creepy, weird person who has no friends? No? So why do you assume everyone else is? Guess what? Most of them are average, normal people. Just like you and I.

Think about all your in-person friends. Now, count how many of them never get online. I bet for most of you, that number is zero. Are they creepy and weird? No? I guess not, since they're already your friends. So if 99% of the people you associate (and become friends) with in-person are also online, then why do you assume that all people you happen to meet online are creepy and weird, lower life forms that shouldn't be treated decently like normal human people?

I just don't understand the mentality behind treating in-person people one way, and online people another. Granted you'll get some odd folks either way, but people were odd before the internet. In reality, we're all just the same people, and whether by the flip of a coin you happen to first meet online versus face-to-face shouldn't forever forward change how you treat them, or create some sort of artificial barrier about how worthy they are of being a friend of any sort (including in-person).
Last year in September I finally met my 4 friends from Quebec Canada (I live in US) for the first time in 5 years. I met them on DAOC. We all spent a week together. :D
there are really not too many people who are trying to sexually assault me these days. Live a little, and make some new friends.

Watch out for Mitch...

That's all I'm going to say... :shifty:
I hold many of you people much higher than my 'real' friends. To say that you can't *really* know someone just because they live a distance from you is completely idiotic, in my honest opinion.

As many of you know, I've been finding it difficult to stay away from here for more than half a day. If given the chance, I would open my doors to many of you without hesitation, and I hope some of you feel the same about me.

I love you guys. There's no other way of putting it.
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LevesqueIsKing said:
I hold many of you people much higher than my 'real' friends. To say that you can't *really* know someone just because they live a distance from you is completely idiotic, in my honest opinion.

As many of you know, I've been finding it difficult to stay away from here for more than half a day. If given the chance, I would open my doors to many of you without hesitation, and I hope some of you feel the same about me.

I love you guys. There's no other way of putting it.

*Tear* you too man!

And if you weren't so damn afraid of heights, we could all go to Cedar Point. :mad5:
Not heights!

And my house is better than Cedar Point anyway xD
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Hahahaha, true! Y'know we could have male bonding time at the gym. XD
Darkprinny said:
Ive met people from other sites but that wasnt a kind of meet you could say on a PG site

But I dont wanna meet people from the sites I mentioned before
Even thow they where gonna do a raid on some convention in my area
Eg of a past one

Well those times are fine in my opinion. Co$ Toronto was much fun. However I wouldn't really jump into any close encounters with just 1 person.
muscle man on the scooby doo ride screams like a girl on the coasters??? :lol::lol:
j/k Tyler...
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[DT] said:
We've got a CP visit on deck for this year! **Got** to check out The Maverick!

It's awesome. The 1.67 radian drop is like...insane. And the tunnel is awesome. Heartline roll is my favorite part, though.

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