Your views on the people on the internet. said:
annd uhh you like to talk to girls/guys and hope one day you can get together and meet like on Eharmony.
I was rejected by eHarmony. Go figure. :wtf:
Syntax said:
Do I care about the people I meet?

Yes, of course. I value my friendship with those I meet online closely to my real life friends. To be honest, I see no problem with having friends online.

Would I ever meet someone online?

Sure, why not. I wouldn't mind meeting Mitch in person.

I agree. If I met someone online, and we chatted enough together (like real life friends), then I'd consider them a friend as well. Like Byuakuya, now there's a great friend right there.

I have other friends who I've met online, who are actually there for me more than some of my real life friends :lol:. Really, just because they aren't like 5 feet away from you, doesn't mean they can't be your friend, or wouldn't make a good friend.

I wouldn't really mind meeting someone off the internet, don't see why not to be honest. So yeah, I care about some of the people I meet on the net. :)
Pretty much the same as most others.
I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with continuing a friendship beyond the internet. Remember, they are real people, those behind the computer.
Also, for the most part, most of the wiichatters that live near me are pretty cool people, from what I've seen.
Find a day thats warmer than -25 and I'd probably be willing to do something. One thing I've found is that there are really not too many people who are trying to sexually assault me these days. Live a little, and make some new friends.
Prez said:
One thing I've found is that there are really not too many people who are trying to sexually assault me these days.
Not enough, in my opinion. ;) Over the years, I've met countless dozens of people in-person from online. Ever since I first got online in 4th grade (and that was pre-internet, mind you).
Well, a lot of people are wary of meeting people in person after only knowing them online because of the stories that everybody has heard, of them not being who you thought they were.
But you don't know how many actually turn out to be real, good people, and start a good relationship.

But for EVERYONE on this site, no one will ever know me, and I can run into you in the street and you will be none the wiser. I AM INVISIBLE!!!! Theoretically...
i have both real friends and internet friends (or E-friends) and i think its okay to have both i mean i trust many people off the net. and yes i do know tae kwon do :p so i aint afriad and hell id pay others to let me meet my E friends sometime irl cuz they're awesome and it'd be tight to get together and just notice they're many manerisms or something. idk. it just sucks that no one of them lives remotely near where i do.
I'm going to say there are only a handful of people from here that I'd be willing to meet and hang out with. Most of the people here I don't have much interaction with so obviously I'm not going to be open to meeting them.

I believe you can develop relationships with people based on similar interests and mutual respect based on intelligent conversations and entertaining conversations. Even with never meeting them. I've met a few people through myspace (heaven forbid it) and they turned out to be really cool people, just have to do your best to get to know them.
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I personally wouldn't meet anyone that I knew from the Internet. Although there are friends on WiiChat that I would love to know more about on MSN, I prefer to keep my real friends and my online friends on separate levels.
It depends on the site
4***ners - Wiredos and sickos
7***ners - Sickos and wiredos (I dont wanna see a horsies vagooo)
A******esers -A right mixed bag
Here - Do I know anybody on here ?
i've met people on the internet and it's turned out to be a bad idea. an awkward situation. lucky i've not had any dangerous encounters.

however i do find i can make a bond with people on the internet. i don't need physicial or visual stimuli. i'm not a trusting person, though, and i wouldn't walk into a situation where i knew i could be in danger.

i've met people on the internet who i've thought i was in love with and lo and behold, i was. and fell even more. it happens. it's not pathetic nor is it desperate.

i'll have more to say on this later. i have to feed my cats.

ps: i'm on my new 15" MACBOOK PRO 2.4GHz dinggg!
Darkprinny said:
It depends on the site
4***ners - Wiredos and sickos
7***ners - Sickos and wiredos (I dont wanna see a horsies vagooo)
A******esers -A right mixed bag
Here - Do I know anybody on here ?
I've met more of "those people" than I'm ever gonna meet wiichatters. Thing is though, they are everywhere, so it's not hard.
Prez said:
I definitely don't think there's anything wrong with continuing a friendship beyond the internet. Remember, they are real people, those behind the computer.

your right on the money. hell i've talked to people over in japan through webcam that i didnt even know, some of them even game me their home address so that i could send some stuff from australia to them, but then again, i dont act like a complete ****whit around people.
and i am purposly going over to japan to meet them.

i've meet people from forums around my area from my car club. there not idiots, just normal people like everyone else that i know.

I'll probably have more to write on this, but, I have a pasty cooling down.

I have no problem meeting people who I find on the internet because I know people wouldn't target me, I have too much common sense for that. No one, no one in the world, would want to rape someone with intelligent conversation because I think they can gather for themself that I won't meet you unless I know what the hell I'm talking about.

I've met two people online already, and I have no problem meeting any more, they turned out to be a lot better in person anyway.

My mum would never let me go to a different country to meet someone first, tough luck, Adam, because she's protective of me and I am female. If they're not paedophiles, they're good ol' fashioned rapists.

I'd really meet anyone I've had a conversation with if they seem decent, the power of voice chat really goes a long way. I need to get a car. And a plane. And perhaps a licence.

I have no problem with it. I've met one or two people offline. In my area it's the way the scene kids get friends. They'd all add each other on myspace then when they see each other in the city they'd be like 'Heyy I added you on myspace' - instant friendship.

My aunt who lives near me, met up with a guy in Florida after talking to him for about a year. They were pretty serious for about two years and he was perfectly normal, unlike her next partner she met over the internet.. crazy Italian mafia guy. You win some, you loose some.

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