Your views on the people on the internet.

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Sovieto said:
do you think talking via voice is more impacting for a "online relationship" than with text? or do you think they are equally impacting in a relationship.

btw, this is not really about whod you meet up with or if you would, its about do you consider the people on here friends, and do you actually feel connected in one way or another.

I think voice does more, yes. But that is definitely not diminishing the power of text. Personality comes out in text just fine.

Edit: And a simple webcam wouldn't qualm fears of a pedo? Euh...too much Dateline for some people.
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I met my current gf over the internet per say :scared:

lol ya kinda vierd, but its a music site, with events and what not. Posted met at a concert and ya shes awesome. Internet just brings people with similar interests. Now a days with the lack of a box social or whatever you crazy kids are doing the internet is looking to be the communication of the future.
Yeah Theres Nothing Wrong With Meeting People Over The Net......if U Have Seen Their Faces And Talked To Them Verbally.

Btw I Am Not Some 45 Year Old .my Pic Is In My Avy, Just Thought I Would Mention It.
Brawny said:
What was that, a 3 month herpes outbreak keeping you busy?


Damn I thought you had forgotten :scared:

LOL but no just been busy with school and new job, no time at the desk to browse le forums. Or play my wii :(
Sovieto said:
do you think talking via voice is more impacting for a "online relationship" than with text? or do you think they are equally impacting in a relationship.

btw, this is not really about whod you meet up with or if you would, its about do you consider the people on here friends, and do you actually feel connected in one way or another.
well i only have people on my XBL friends list if i know them from a forum or something. i think talking with text and with voice can both be just as effective. however voice chat with someone can reveal more about that person. for example, someone can say on a forum they are 25 yet on voice chat its obvious they are around 13-15 years old
Dumbass_Luigi said:
I don't care for people unless I know them well.....

well its logical because u havent had enough interactions with random people to truly caere for them. (yeah i know it doesnt make sense, but thats no the point)
That's exactly right. Good job on finding nothing....:thumbsup:

I'm still confused.
Do I care about the people I meet?

Yes, of course. I value my friendship with those I meet online closely to my real life friends. To be honest, I see no problem with having friends online.

Would I ever meet someone online?

Sure, why not. I wouldn't mind meeting Mitch in person.
Brawny said:
So ranging from "complete strangers I steal Wii information off of" to "I have no "real" friends", where do you stand? Do you actually give two shits about your fellow Wiichatters?
Well, first of all... I wouldn't want to associate with someone who keeps demonstrating they don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" ;). I'd point them to and then tell them to come back once they've passed the 3rd grade.

That said... I'm a guy, almost 33, and relatively fearless. I've been all over the country and have fended for myself in many situations in many cities. I'm a blackbelt, and an actor on the side so I'm not shy socially. If one of you lived within an hour's radius I'd visit the first night of talking to you unless you gave me a bad vibe. If it was somewhere private I might have a concealed weapon on me, but who knows.
My thoughts? Well, i think everyone here has friends. of course you know none of you guys are popular or WERE popular in school probably, uh you act totally or completely alike to yourself on the internet. annd uhh you like to talk to girls/guys and hope one day you can get together and meet like on Eharmony.
the longer you text with someone the more you learn of their character :yesnod:

consider how many days or weeks of text you need to total one night of chatting with a person to learn just that one night... just takes common sense on if you're ready to meet someone face to face...

you have to like everyone until you collect enough text (personality)...
it would be miserable to live in a way that you dislike everyone until they give you a GOOD reason for you to like them... :) but you do need to collect the data...

and just like your everyday face to face people... you must overlook small flaws that may make you cringe... or you'll be miserable.
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mushroomedmario said:
hmmm interesting question

i don't think i care that much, but i'm not afraid to meet people

say if me, cantgetawii and prez are all going to some concert in toronto, if they want to meet up i'd be up for it......however i'm not going to pm them and say "hey let's meet up"

*Prepares Pm*..awh shucks :lol:

I do care though, over my time I've made some good net friendships with people and there are a bunch of people I respect and enjoy seeing on here day to day. I would be willing to meet anyone that wanted to meet me, and I would most certainly meet up with some of my fellow Canadians. Theres one person for sure I want to meet, I think they know who they are :wink:

But yeah, again if I didn't like the people here on WiiChat I wouldn't be here. There's nothing wrong with people on the netz, at least not on a WiiChat forum.

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