Your top ten favorite games of all time!


Protector of Hyrule
May 15, 2006
Sacred Realm
Wii Online Code
My top ten
1. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2. Golden Eye 007
3. Mario Bros. 3
4. Resident Evil 4
5. Final Fantasy 7
6. WWF No Mercy
7. Mario 64
8. The Legend of Zelda
9. Tecmo Superbowl 3
10. Bubble Bobble
My Top Ten List
1. TES3: Morrowind
2. Legend of Zelda: OoT
3. Legend of Zelda Majoras Mask
4. TES4: Oblivion
5. Age of Empires 2
6. Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4
7. Mortal Kombat 2
8. Battlefield 1942
9. Black and White
10. Goldeneye
1. Civilization IV
2. Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
3. Resident Evil 4
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
5. Puzzle Bobble (Bust-a-Move)
6. Metroid Prime
7. Final Fantasy VI
8. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
9. Soul Calibur 2
10. Streets of Rage
1.super metroid
2.super mario world
3.super mario world 2: yoshis island
4.the illusion of time
6.kirbys dream land
7.donkey kong country
8.donkey kong country 2: diddies kongquest
9.donkey kong country 3
10.Ghouls 'n' ghosts
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1.SSB the series
2.LoZ(and I mean all of them)
3.Animal crossing
4.Naruto:Ultimate Ninja
5.Mario Kart64
6.Naruto:Clash of Ninja
7.Mario Kart Double Dash
8.Kirby:crystal shards (anyone else know that game?)
9.Custom Robo

(Sry no realistic shooting games)
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My Top Ten List

1) The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2) The Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask
3) Super Mario 64
4) Metal Gear Solid Snake (The first one in PS1)
5) Muonline (A masive online player on PC)
6) Goldeneye
7) Age of Empires 2
8) Mario Kart Double Dash
9) Super Smash Bros. Melee
10) Super Smash Bros.
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Perfect Dark
3. Soul Calibur
4. Street Fighter 2 Turbo
5. F-Zero X
6. Warcraft 3
7. Final Fantasy 8
8. Jedi Outcast
9. Cadillac and Dinosaur
10. Link's Awakening
2.Super Mario 64
3.LoZ: MM & OoT
4.Soul Calibur 2
5.Metroid Prime
6.Mario Kark DD
7.Naruto:Ultimate Ninja
8.DK 64
9.F-Zero GX
10.Ultimate Spiderman
Arcadium said:
My Top Ten List

1) The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2) The Legend Of Zelda: Majoras Mask
3) Super Mario 64
4) Metal Gear Solid Snake (The first one in PS1)
5) Muonline (A masive online player on PC)
6) Goldeneye
7) Age of Empires 2
8) Mario Kart Double Dash
9) Super Smash Bros. Melee
10) Super Smash Bros.
for ps1 there was only metal gear solid but on nes there was mg solid snakes revenge
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in no order
Gunstar heros (thanks to emu played it at top of moutn snowdon)
Snk vs capcom 2
King of the fighters (all are diffrent)
Metal slug (all)
we love Katamari (woot)
Disgaea hour of darkness (number 2 gona rule)
smackdown vs raw 2006 (i love wrestleing)
Yars revenge (atari 2600/vcs eevery one must play this)
Fighting maina (the best arcade game ever.)
virtua cop games

most are olduns
im so retro i bleed pixels
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1. Goldeneye
2. Tetris
3. Battlefield 2
4. Gran Turismo 4
5. GTA: Vice City
6. Resident Evil 4
7. Skies of Arcadia
8. Mario 64
9. Motor City Online
10.Medal of Honor

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