What Are Your Favorite Video Game Series?


Oct 23, 2006
Parker CO
Wii Online Code
Mine are:
1.The legend of Zelda series
2.Tales series (tales of symphonia)
3. Dragon Quest series
4. Mario Series
5. Harvest Moon series
Aww, why must you do this to me. It took me WAY too long to figure out my favorite albums of all time. Nice to see you have Harvest Moon on there though, that was a great game back on the SNES.

I can't really break it down like that because I do go through moods but game series that I will always love would probably be: Silent Hill, Metroid, Kirby and perhaps Mortal Kombat 1-4.

It was Mortal Kombat and Arnold Schwarzenegger movies that weened me since I was young. *Sigh*
Final Fantasy (except 2, 8, and 11)
Dragon Warrior/Quest (please say they will put the old ones on the vc)
Mario Party (except gameboy advance version)

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