Your most boring class ever...

most boring class ever? was probably my Film Analysis I took freshmen year.

It was a once a week class but it was 4 hours long. An hour of lecture, then we would watch a movie for the rest of the class. It would have been interesting, but we watched the worst effing movies. We ended up watching a few shitty Japanese movies that were subbed. LAME.

We did however watch Citizen Cain, and The Graduate for our first two films....just went downhill after that.
You know what really bugs me? When you spend forever on a particular project and strain your eyes so much you just want to curl over and die inside, my annotation might be shabby, but it's enough to get me through, but then my teachers tells me she's delayed the assessments 'til Monday, and I have over the frickin' weekend to add more to my art folder. I'm God damn worshipping that time, but last night, had I had known that, I would have so been talking to Adam knowing that he wouldn't be here, and I'm planning on sleeping through Friday.

I wanted to take Film studies, it seemed rather easy, but the course in ym college requires that you do some part of acting and writing, I'll do okay with the writing part but, eehhh... Yeah. That and they use rather old movies, often subtitled, to suck the fun out of one subject you thought would actually be enjoyable in the future.
Nahhh, see it from my side.

You would have put it off til later, it would have been either last night or some other time this weekend. Now that last night is done with, I don't mind it really.

My film study was awesome, but we watched good movies. A BEAUTIFUL MIND. WOO

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