Your most boring class ever...

14luke14 said:
Most borin class ever is science, the class is borin, no1 talks which is lame, the subject is crap, never been so bored of science >.< id rather be doin my art coursework than doing 5 hours a week of crap science :lol:

That's funny, I'd have wagered you would've said English. :rolleyes:

Christian Doctrine...I know more than the teacher, and it's loaded with smokers. If I die of lung cancer, I can blame that class. More than 50% of the class failed the first test.
I hated PE
Or Football as it should of been renamed due to THATS ALL WE DID
A bit to gay
Got done to meny times for drawin/makein the wrong thing
Isnt art about expresion
Hate France (I am British its in our blood)
Hate Spain
Religious Education
LOL religion
Welsh- here in Wales they make kids do Welsh as a GCSE- I never liked it, and what little Welsh I did learn I've now forgotten.

PE/games- they were crap. It was always either rugby (i.e. wrestle each other into the mud), cricket (i.e. stand around for hours looking like you're doing something) or baseball (ditto). Coincidentally, I was often ill on the days when we had PE or games... :shifty:

Religious Education- not something that would interest a godless heathen like me.

Business- basically consisted of just learning ridiculous business jargon.
We never played Rugby
There was to meny pansys/posers in my class
I was allways the goal post in football due to my hatered of said sport
Rugby is manly

PE was fun in primary school
Indoor bare hand criket FTW
Social Studies is the most boring because most of the stuff my teacher talks about, I already know and she loves to go off topic about stupid things that I just fall asleep.:zzz:
I never really had boring lessons in school. I was with people I knew in all my classes so we always managed to have a laugh some how. Also pretty lucky to have decent teachers most of the time. Sports was stupid up untill GCSE's because they only cared about the people who were taking it, so we just got to play basketball all the time which I loved.

Media, Film and Photography in college are all cool. It was much better last year though, most of the time only 4-5 people turn up to each class so it's only pretty dull when there's nobody to talk to.
I didn't really have a boring class until we started doing the college program in math class.

In advanced math class, it was eat or be eaten with the tests and homework.

Now, with the college taking over, it's cake.
And if it's cake.
It's boooring.

But that reminds me. Gotta do some of the WHYISITSOEASY homework.
I used to get bullied in a couple of classes, and they were mainly language classes, so Spanish and French were awful lessons for me, especially since I couldn't stress enough how much they were useless for me. I don't think that foreign languages should be forced on students, especially seeing as your friends are idiots and are in lower sets.

Any class that sat me in alphabetical order really bored me to death, because I did not like the people around me one bit, and the teachers wouldn't do anything about it, how nice.

Chemistry had to be the most dull class in the entire history of man, my teacher had no social skills whatsoever, she knew what she was talking about, quite obviously, she used to be a doctor as well, but she just couldn't tell that in a way which teenagers could understand. Oh, and her voice was quite whiney, yeah, that's it. I was always bad at Chemistry anyway, I'm surprised I managed to scrape a B for it.

Right now, I only take three subjects because I'm in college and all that, so it has got to be ICT. It's a lesson about nothing, but your teacher has to stand there and lecture you about subjects you know no knowledge on in a Spanish accent. I don't know what she's saying! My Spanish teacher made Spanish so God damn boring anyway! Plus, I always trip her up on little words she misses out, I hate her broken English.

English is boring because it drags on, I think my teacher can speak a total of 20 words in a minute, and half of those consist of "erms" and other variations on that.

Damn, I just hate school.
yeah dude my bi sci class this semester is murder. it's not so bad but like its an hour and fifteen minutes long and the dude just reads off powerpoint slides. so boring. and he's the type of guy who like reads the title of the slide and then goes on, like he has to read everything on every slide. so boring. ugh.
Math! Jesus Christ, for fifty mins the teacher just talks on and on about one simple question or method. Her voice drones on and on, I usually doze off in my math classes. I myself have no problem in doing math, it's just the lecture concept I can't handle.

Geography is boring for the note copying part, but then afterward is find a friend and then pretend to the work as you talk about the most ridiculous things. But this makes a lot of things homework, besides it's just colouring maps for the most part.

But the most boringest subject of all I have to say is English. We would read for more than half the class, and I'd fall asleep fifteen minutes into To Kill A Mocking Bird, or Merchant of Venice. But it's quite fun when you have to write poetry... But since my english classes have been filled with nothing but outdated novels, I have to nominate it for the most borignest subject. Not to mention most slacking.
Trulen said:
I didn't really have a boring class until we started doing the college program in math class.

In advanced math class, it was eat or be eaten with the tests and homework.

Now, with the college taking over, it's cake.
And if it's cake.
It's boooring.

But that reminds me. Gotta do some of the WHYISITSOEASY homework.

The cake is a lie

But true
Easy classis are borin
I found Maths and Geograthy easy (In high school)
Oh great
I can add up how meny maps there are with ease

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