Your most boring class ever...

Frogger said:
...I am in my most boring class. HELP ME.

Three months now and I still don't remember your schedule. :D

Seeing as you're online and your previous post, I must say ICT...

Statistics is boring as well. You can just write a basic program for everything we learn how to calculate. I take about 10 minutes on what takes everyone else and hour, and then I just do calculus. Ahhhh, real math.
spanish2, last class of the day, everyday, and it feels like 5 hours for the bell to finally ring and for us to get out of there
wiidorms said:
spanish2, last class of the day, everyday, and it feels like 5 hours for the bell to finally ring and for us to get out of there

I had that last semester, but now I have it first hour. I can just sleep through it.
i have the most boring class ever. 3 hrs a day every monday i have Media Research Methods. all we do is research and talk about research. our semester project (a semester is 9 weeks) is to research and put together enough information that someone could use it for a 2 hour documentary. that means getting books, articles, info on people, info on inventions, ect that have to do with the topic we were given. its not really difficult but it is BORING. who the hell decides to make a class about researching?
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We have spanish three times a week, it's only fun when we have ice cream parties...libray is boring only on wens because we stay in there instead of going down to comp lab. Im
Basicly all my classes are boring except gym oh and lunch . I know it's not a class but to me it is one.
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Mitch2025 said:
i have the most boring class ever. 3 hrs a day every monday i have Media Research Methods. all we do is research and talk about research. our semester project (a semester is 9 weeks) is to research and put together enough information that someone could use it for a 2 hour documentary. that means getting books, articles, info on people, info on inventions, ect that have to do with the topic we were given. its not really difficult but it is BORING. who the hell decides to make a class about researching?

For college prep, it'd be quite useful.
Brawny said:
Statistics is boring as well. You can just write a basic program for everything we learn how to calculate. I take about 10 minutes on what takes everyone else and hour, and then I just do calculus. Ahhhh, real math.

try doing all that without a calculator because your school does not allow calculators!:mad5: :yikes:
samXcor3 said:
try doing all that without a calculator because your school does not allow calculators!:mad5: :yikes:

I'd like to see you calculate z-scores without a calculator. D:
Brawny said:
For college prep, it'd be quite useful.
but its not for college prep. its for college. im on my way to fail it anyways. im not able to keep focused on something that bores me this much. i just cant bring myself to do the work. ill probably just take it in the summer. that way i only have that class to worrie about
Oh yeah, English was depressingly dull as well. Why is it that English teachers have this bizarre idea that anyone can poetry?

Brawny said:
Statistics is boring as well. You can just write a basic program for everything we learn how to calculate. I take about 10 minutes on what takes everyone else and hour, and then I just do calculus. Ahhhh, real math.

Forgot about statistics. I hated that. It's just not proper math.

I'm a little ashamed to admit, I'm pretty much stuffed without a calculator. But hey, physicists always like things simple and easy. :D
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Boy it's a tossup between Functions/Statistics & Phys/Chem, english is in its on category & goes without saying...

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