Your Favourite Football Team.

I don't think professional soccar ( or football to you) is very popular in america, but I think the Fire and the galaxy are some popular ones. Wow we have lame team names.:nonod:
Its strange that i probs know more american soccer teams then some americans!

i've always liked galexy, but i preferred san jose earthquakes!
zachp18 said:
This kind of off subject but is just overall lifestyle in england the same as in america?

No, english and american life styles are very diffrent.
Just diffrent aspects of life. . . . .

just accept that it is diffrent:lol:
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zachp18 said:
I know one thing is that is that people from england talk much more properly than we do, which is a good thing.

How very mistaken you are lol. thats a common mis-conception. everyone thinks in england everyone has a posh accent and pronounces everything right.

Wrong! its the opposite :thumbsup:
ottoman said:
How very mistaken you are lol. thats a common mis-conception. everyone thinks in england everyone has a posh accent and pronounces everything right.

Wrong! its the opposite :thumbsup:

not everyone is posh correct but not every one is opposite :D

People tend to ignore and not aknowledge geordies, scousers and cockneys:lol: Thats what i do anyway:lol:
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lol very true, but stayin on topic here guys....Football!
Sorry, but I have to say that the class system here (United States) Is much better imo. (And yes, I have a bunch of English relatives, so I know what it's like)

Hm.... The only "football" teams I know are fire, galaxy, DC united, earthquakes....
ottoman said:
How very mistaken you are lol. thats a common mis-conception. everyone thinks in england everyone has a posh accent and pronounces everything right.

Wrong! its the opposite :thumbsup:

I'm as common as muck.



Seems like me supporting Everton is like a one man army in Liverpool.

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