Your Fav Football team.

Griever said:
Someone was moaning about how Soccer was the correct name to use on an international forum - in actual fact it's not since it is only called Soccer in a handful of countries. That is the "so what" in this whole thing.

Besides; I hate the way American's take things from other countries and try to label them as their own. For example, American English, American Football...


That happens all over the world. There is not point going crazy about it. We say soccer. It's natural for us to say that.

BTW about American English. We are a country that used to be a British colony. Our language morphed itself into what it is today. So technically it is a totally different language.
It's not a different language at all.

French is a different language, Spanish is a different language, Japanese is a different language...

American English is more like a dialect than it is a seperate language and the constant attempts by software companies and the ACS to force it down everyone's throats are ****ing annoying tbh.
NFL- San Diego Chargers

NCAA-USC Trojans & Floirda State Seminoles

Soccer-Arsenal & Real Madrid
Griever said:
I don't care that American Football is popular - you just have to realise that it IS NOT Football and it never will be outside of America.

so NFL Europe is called something other than football?
leeds united, yeah and stop stealing our name football, go ahead and call your suck ass sport american gayball
lol if it was the obvious enough already


dont really have a fav. NFL team

and when it comes to futbol probally real madrid and of course Colombian National team.
Wii_Smurf said:
Will Amercians stop stealing our Name?
England was were before America and we named it Football before you changed it to Soccer :(

i wouldnt of expected a post like that to come from you :nonod:
Come again?
I posted that along time ago Chach.

Plus this is a UK Forum [Owner is UK] so I win that argument

American Football

Soccer [Why not call it England Football?]

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