Your Fav Football team.

Wii_Smurf said:
Come again?
I posted that along time ago Chach.

Plus this is a UK Forum [Owner is UK] so I win that argument

American Football

Soccer [Why not call it England Football?]

I just noticed how old this thread was, but ya it kinda suprised me because it didnt sound like your usual posts.

btw there is no arguement :rolleyes:
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  • #92
eh dude this is the American forum
cause u started it!

so i win this one


im lost...
I have my rants ^^. Back to the thread?

Battles said:
eh dude this is the American forum
cause u started it!

so i win this one


im lost...

And Yes, Yes you lost :)
How did you win?

UK Forum we use UK words, So this should be the 'Favourite American Football Team' thread
Plus using that name doesn't cause ANY confusion where by using just 'Football' does

If you get me?
Good :)
I do play Madden and usually pick the Colts because they have the best stats lol.
A good game to play
Wii_Smurf said:
How did you win?

UK Forum we use UK words, So this should be the 'Favourite American Football Team' thread
Plus using that name doesn't cause ANY confusion where by using just 'Football' does

If you get me?

you used that one already :p

what time is there? lol random question

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