Your characters

today im going to a party at 1 o'clock and im going to vs a person called sam and he likes sheik. ill tell you tomorrow what happens.
and Air4ceSquirrel do you have hectors moveset?
i am still working on wavedashing with falco/fox, but i am good with Ganon, and Samus, okay with Y link. and yes i just posted the move set. good luck kick A$$ for me plz!
ohh, pryo is your friend in rl... okay... yeah, i am not really doing it with everyone, just the chars i use, i am having trouble with fox and falco i am also having trouble SHFFLing with Fox, i cant get him to SH... err...
A,Ax2,Ax3- High-low, back up, Rotate around bringing axe back down
^A- Heavy upper Swing (front aoe only)
VA- Strong Lower Swoop (200 degrees of range)
<,>A- Horizontal Slash
Smash ^A- Small jump Heavy uppercut (360 degrees from shoulders)
Smash VA- Stab with point on tip of axe, Swing Violently backwards (tossing stabed foes)
Smash <,>A- Turn oppisite directino, Bull Rsh swinging downward
A(in air)- quick spin attack (360 degrees shoulders and below)
^A(in air)- Back flip, slash swoop with axe
VA(in air)- Quick downward stab with axe (spike)
<,>(in air)- Hard Jab with axe tip
B- Throw axe (like a handaxe)
^B- Collassus- Boyds special attack from F.E. Path of Radiance (spiral up slash down)
VB- Slam axe into ground causing earthquake (like Venausour but only once)
<,>B- Quick charge in either direction slamming axe from above head into ground
grapple- normal arm grab
A,B,Z- thrust shoulder into chest
^- use axe upercut upwards
V- slam into grond with axe
<- Bash in face, throw behind
>- Bull Rush into (should tackle)
SHFFLing is short hop fast fall l-cancle. another way to make your char faster. Falco doesn't really need the l-cancle, but it still helps here and there.
i got two tricks for you

1: when you are close to the edge do wavedash towards the edge and you fold on to the edge, its good because it is faster to grab the edge then jumping up then grabbing the edge.

2: when you are folding on to the edge let go of the edge then jump back up and grab the edge and you can not get hurt. (it is hard to do)
eg. when bowser is breathing fire and you are folding on to the edge do that and you wont get hurt.
Most intermediate smash players pretty much know just about what you just said, ganondorf234. I've seen pros do the repeat let go jump back to use invincibility frames to counter a recovering sheik. But its extremely situational.

Fox is like the H.A.R.D.E.S.T. to SH. I can do it consistently but it requires very quick fingers. Even SHFFLs with Fox requires finger movements fast enough that you can easily do Marth's short hop double fair.

Falco and Fox need to SHFFL esp a Dair so they can shine shortly after with very small lag frames between attacks.

Even if you lost to your friend whom u usually beat, don't give up! Keep practising those techs until you have it down as muscle memory and in time, you'll be owning your friend with advanced techs. I used to have that problem when I used to often beat someone at uni last semester. It was the days of rolling and smashes. Then I fought him again after learning techs (not as good as I am now) and I lost all the time but I didn't give up. I kept going and practising heaps and now I can beat him consistently and more easily than I could last semester.

Nowdays only problem I have is 'basic techs' good foxes and falcos because they're so bloody quick for my Marth as well as their laser spamming. :mad:
ty Zelda for all the information on both threads, my "main" char is Falco, i accidentally fell into playing as him... i was good with him from the get go, just getting better as time goes by.

I naturally use R for wave landing/dashing. I haven't really tried wavedashing out of sheild how much better/easier is it?

I can SHFFL with falco easily, i am getting down the DI following too. And SHL/B isn't that hard did it yesterday, just gotta make sure to press Down after i press b... did the sheild sometimes... :lol:

I can also use Y. Link pretty good, as well as Fox... but they are all kinda the same... any suggestions for a diff style of secondary player...

Bowser is way to slow no matter what... haven't gotten to Mario yet, but the others weren't too bad, just gotta find out some combo's with samus and also remember that she can hook the edge too...

So my chars go like this i think; Falco, Fox/Y. Link (about the same depends on player/map...) then Samus. Zelda/Sheik came real easy, but i don't want to copy my friend, allthough we did a Shiek (me) Vs. Zelda (him) and that was quite entertaining... :)

(not in other thread) I also need to work on my L-Cancling too...

any more info on Falco/Fox or Samus/Y.Link would be great and very much appreciated. again ty for the info Zelda and Ganon

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