Your characters

asdfghjkl said:
well ridley will be in it (WOOO HOOOO) he deserves it after all of samus's beatings

Uh-Huh.. Yeah... Sure... And The PS3 Will Be 10 Bucks...:lol:
Demon Slayer said:
not all of them infact their planing on getting a few of them out like teh clones one...well that what i hurd and it makes sence so say good bye to falco, ganondorf and all the clones...( maybe not all of them but a bunch of them)

did you know ganondorf as a different move to capt falcon.
when you jump in the air press A</>.
ganondorf: punchs
capt falcon: knees
so that makes ganondorf not a clone.
o_O;; It's just one move. They are kinda the same.
They just edited a few minor moves, made them look different obviously, Gannondorf is much more powerful, and Capt. Falcon is kinda faster.
Heh, yeah. Honestly, I'd think it would be an improvement if they got rid of the damned clones. >_> Even if there is a slight difference between them... o_O;; Hey, I'ma think of all the clones from the previous games, and make a thread about it. See which ones they'd want to be taken out instead of the other. Though the characters are prolly gonna be in SSBB, they're most likely gonna change up their moves.

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