You might be old school if...

You're semi-old school if you remember having to switch disks with Final Fantasy games. (I remember this)

You're old school if you see someone playing a video game and you go "What movie are you watching?" (My gramma said this, though she just calls videogames movies, she knows the difference.)

You KNOW you're old school when you remember watching Captain N: Game Master
ozzy70 said:
I dunno how they did that either, but they did it again for the wii... i fyou think about it, the wii controllers are the same as the gun... with some added parts for picking up movements. but when you aim at the screen, it's pretty much the same thing.

NO, the gun sensed the light on the screen, if it senses a duck and you shot, it would tell the NES you shot a duck, the wii's movements are detected by a sensor bar, they are totally different.
mr_resi said:
You know your old school when youve memorized the words to Mr.Roboto

I am SOOO old school.

You know you're old school when you remember the expansion pak for the n64 that was only useful in like 2 games, one of which was Command and Conquer.

You know you're old school when you remember renting the game "Starcraft" for the n64 (it was pretty good on the n64, i tink there were some extra bonus missions)
SenorLopez said:
You know you're old school when you remember the expansion pak for the n64 that was only useful in like 2 games, one of which was Command and Conquer.
Actually, there were quite a few games that used it. Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong 64, Road Rash 64.

Wikipedia lists a few:
Expansion Pak - a memory expansion that plugged into the console's memory expansion port. It contained 4 MB of RAM. Some of the games to support this accessory are Turok 2, Hybrid Heaven, Pokémon Stadium 2, Resident Evil 2, Road Rash 64, Shadow Man, Star Wars: Episode I Racer, Rare's Perfect Dark, Midway's San Francisco Rush 2049, and only a handful of games such as Donkey Kong 64, the single-player mode of Perfect Dark and The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask actually required it for play. Supporting games usually offered higher video resolutions or higher textures and/or higher color depth. For example, the Nintendo 64 all-remade version of Quake 2 features higher color depth but not a higher resolution when using the Expansion Pak. The Expansion Pak was shipped with some games and also available separately.
Here's the entire list of games that utilised it:
Oh wow didn't know there were that many.

Anywho, you're oldschool if you call iPods miniature jukeboxes.

You're oldschool when if your TV isn't working then you go to adjust the rabbit ears.
If you buy a new tv and play pong on it

HDTV raped by very LD gamein
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The_Loose_Cannon said:
actually its more lounge material if anything

thanks for moving the thread. sorry about that, i'm a rook.
You might be old school if you remember getting a callus on your pointer finger just past the first knuckle from using your Atari joystick.

You might be old school if you remember upgrading your Atari 800xl computer to 256 KB of ram. (not MB, but KB)
ok ok ok, I got one, You know you are old school, when any of your video game systems has a wood grain finish........(mine was Intellevision and Atari).

ok ok ok, or, you know you are old school if you can remember when they first started renting out video games from gas stations, before Block Buster was around. I would have to pick the shittiest games that most of you have never heard of for NES, like Dr. Chaos, Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle, Snoopy Olympics, Gyromite (with no ROB) and the only 2 games the place had that were worth a damn? Contra and Kung-Fu.

You know you are old school if you used to watch (as someone mentioned) Captain N, Super MArio Super show, or Zelda (Zelda came on SMSshow on Fridays).

You know you are old school if you used to eat Nintendo cereal (box divided into two halves like nerds candy).

Finaly, you know you are old school, if you own a cartridge that just has Super Mario Bros on it, no duck hunt.

I am an old loser.
butchM said:
You might be old school if you remember getting a callus on your pointer finger just past the first knuckle from using your Atari joystick.

You might be old school if you remember upgrading your Atari 800xl computer to 256 KB of ram. (not MB, but KB)

My school had bbc micro
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