You might be old school if...

You might be old-school if you're still convinced that the Beatles are the greatest band on earth.
Seanmc said:
LOL I have one of those in the loft, a Binatone pong/tennis game, then a came along a ZX81 and a Vic20:lol:

I played it the other day ( I got the gun for it)

My home like a retirement home for old computers
You might be old school if you remember having to "press play on tape 1" then waiting 20 minutes for any game to load up. Pretty obscure, but definately old school. wonder how many of you remember that ;)
ottoman said:
this should be in the games section, but good idead anyhow. TLC will probly move it.

You know your old school when your favourite game of all time is pacman.

actually its more lounge material if anything
swedekid said:
You might be old school if you were amazed by the gun in Duck Hunt. I still don't know how they did that.

I dunno how they did that either, but they did it again for the wii... i fyou think about it, the wii controllers are the same as the gun... with some added parts for picking up movements. but when you aim at the screen, it's pretty much the same thing.

Now that was a piece of class.

Over 200 games, most of them working.

Crazy_Fool said:
You might be old school if you remember having to "press play on tape 1" then waiting 20 minutes for any game to load up. Pretty obscure, but definately old school. wonder how many of you remember that ;)
Yep! My TRS-80 Color Computer had the cassette drive. What's worse was after a while the "Play" botton wouldn't stay down and I had to hold it (or wedge a pencil in there) until the load was complete!
You might be old school if you remember when games without guns were the best.
You might be oldschool if you'd rather play Super Mario Bros. 3 over any of the current gen games most of the time.
En4Neo said:
You might be oldschool if you'd rather play Super Mario Bros. 3 over any of the current gen games most of the time.

Oh no. I might be old school. D=
Super Mario Bros. 3! =D I can't wait for a VC download.. heheh...

You're definitally old school if you haven't bought a Wii.