Yet another Tiger Woods 07 Review...

personally I think tiger woods is worth the buy, they may need to work on some things, but its by far better than wii sports golf. if you are a fan of golf I think you'd love this game on the Wii
I have spent quite a few hours working with TW--have completed all but 3 of the Tiger Challenges. The more I play it, the better I like it. I do agree with the comments on the putting aspect, however. Graphics are OK--and as we know, a pretty game does not make a good one. It also took me a while to figure out the fade part. I was twisting as I made my shot---wrong. Proper way is to tilt the remote right away--before you start your swing--about 45 degrees one way or the other, and it will hook in that corresponding way. I do not play golf in real life, so I have no experience on real courses. I can really appreciate how much you have to THINK and PLAN your shots to be successful in the end. Course designs are totally devious!
AmEboy14 said:
You do know that you can use the control stick on the nunchuk to swing, like in the game cube tiger woods. right?

Sure, but if I was going to play with a joystick, shouldn't I have just bought the game for my son's 360 and got better graphics?

The whole reason I got the Wii is that I think that joysticks just aren't meant for some game types. I can't stand FPS games on joystick. A mouse is the best interface, with the Wii mote a close second.

Playing golf with a joystick would be like driving a real car with a keyboard. There'd be too much missing from it.

To each their own though. I know many younger people only WANT to use console controllers since they never learned on anything else. I learned to play games on a keyboard and swore by that method. It took me a year to switch over to mouse/keyboard. But I can't get used to joysticks for anything but "arcade" and flight sim games.
wiihbanga said:
i heard this game sucks! i seen it on the threads

Here's an oxymoron - Don't believe everything you read.


Here's a rule of marketing - 9 out of 10 unhappy customers will tell someone else they're about their experience. Only 1 out of 20 happy customers will tell someone their experience. It's more likely that more people like TW2007 than you read of people that don't like it.
Bob Albright said:
Proper way is to tilt the remote right away--before you start your swing--about 45 degrees one way or the other, and it will hook in that corresponding way.

I'm still confused (long weekend, the wife's in the hospital). With the remote pointed at the floor, I move the tip (Ir receiver) towards/away from my feet, then I press the button and start my back-swing?

Or do I tilt the remote when I have it held at the apex of my back-swing?

im having serious problems with this game. every so often, when im half way into my back swing the game will just randomly take over and hit the shot. it gets about 45 percent power and goes next to no where. ive tried the suggestions in the wii manual about the sensor and remote settings but seem to be getting nowhere. its unplayable. i went from 5 under to 6 over in one hole because the game kept ruining my shot. any suggestions.
I picked it up and played it with 3 other decent golfers last night (all of us are 10 handicap or lower).

Obviously it isn't perfect, but for the first installment on the Wii, it is pretty good and offers lots of entertainment.
For a straight shot--looking straight down to the floor the remote would be on a 180 degree plane--buttons away from you. If you want the ball to hook to the left, for example, angle the remote like 45 degrees counter clockwise--then make the swing. If you want the ball to hook right, turn the controller 45 degrees clockwise---an awkward way to hold the controller, but that's what you have to do. good luck
I have had that happen as well where the game "takes over". I think if you wait too long to take your shot, it reads your backswing.
What is most interesting to me is the nature of this discussion. On any other game system we would be talking about graphics, course design, choices in tournament set up and stuff like that. Here we are talking about the feel of a real golf club and how it feels to swing a remote. The wii changes the discussion completely.

I would like to see some one use Velcro a wiimote to a real gold club and try it that way. I am curious if that improves things at all.

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