Yet another forum game

motherbrainrulez said:
would you rather kill a kitten or a puppy?
A kitten because they are useless. They grow up to be cats, what the hell use is a cat? Puppys grow up to be dogs, dogs do all kinds of ****, I dont see any cats walking around blind people or gaurding your house or killing off rattlesnakes in your yard. My dog has killed a shitload of rattlesnakes in my yard, when I had a cat it just got bit by a rattlesnake and cost me 500$ in vet bills. Fucking cat.

EDIT: I didnt see that you guys are switching directions now. Ok, link fire and saving the world, well all the religions beleive that the world will end in fire (Armaggedon) so in order to save the world you have to stop the fire.

Sorry if I didnt do it right, I dont exactly understand this new game that well...

BTW, even though we are switching games, my question from before, still did not get answered though. Would you rather die quick and painless when you were young, or slow and painfully when you are old?
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Randomstickynote said:
My question from before, still did not get answered though. Would you rather die quick and painless when you were young, or slow and painfully when you are old?
I'd rather be old and die painfully because at least then I know I have lived and made my mark on the world.

Would you rather wait till next summer for the Wii to come out with better graphics and more games, or would you want it to come out tomorrow with fewer games of less quality? - I know, It's a toughie!
I would rather wait, the beter quality and better/more games would be well worth the wait.

I remember when I was a kid, I wanted a transformer toy (tansformers kicked ass), and I saw one in the store we were in, and I asked for it, but my parents told me to wait till we got to the other store, but I wanted that one right then, so I got it butthen it sucked bad, it didnt even transform (prolly a knockoff). Then my parents laughed at me (bitches) and told me I should have waited.

Since I dont really know where this thread is going I'll post one of both:

• Would you rather be rich and disliked by many people, or very poor but loved by many people.

• Link sodomy and republicans.
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Wut u do is u say 2 words and try to link them together.

Link sodomy and republicans is like impossible to link.

death & shadow
You can link republicans and sodomy. I made that so easy. Sodomy is the process of raping someone in the ass. Bush is a republican. You can put two and two together.

Shadows are always foretelling of death in literature.

Link water and lumberjacks.
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In cartoons, lumberjacks will sometimes be log running which is on water.

Link Sonic & calendars (a toughie...)

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