xbox 360 sucks

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Lethal said:
This was the dumbest post I ever read. The 360 is the king of next generation lol. Most PCs cant even compare to Gears of War. Will the real dipshitty please stand up!

Lmao leave it to lethal to agree rofl.

PC = better online multiplayer enviroment

PC = Better graphics.
PC is best for everything in my opinon. I am dissagreeing that the 360 sucks.
Basically I am agreeing with you vagrant.
Lethal said:
PC is best for everything in my opinon. I am dissagreeing that the 360 sucks.
Basically I am agreeing with you vagrant.

I know, I mean't the "leave it to lethal to agree" with me, because of your computer setup.

I love xbox 360, and the wii. But they are very much so below the PC on every standard. And until consoles start allowing for graphical and processing upgrades, they will always be behind the PC. And if consoles ever do end up like that...well they won't be consoles anymore, they will be gaming computers.
Ya nobody should ever try to compare a console with a PC lol. I am still so impressed by Gears of War its sick. Alot of PCs couldnt push graphics like that without spending some bread on a decent vid card. I give huge props to Microsoft on their console. But not enough to compare it to a PC. Especially not the Wii. I still luv the Wii though.
vagrant said:
Gotta love it when the guy who gets over 1k posts on a wii forum and then decides to sell his wii and get a 360 instead...a retard.

And you compare them easy.

PC effing dominates the 360, in every shape and form. And did you just say a computer doesn't have all the features of an xbox 360 lmao. Talk about making oneself looking like a retard. Where do you think these xbox "features" came from?

And feel free to look up a catalogue of PC games. Gears of War and Halo aren't **** compared to how successful FPS' have been on the PC. Not to mention it is likely GoW is coming to PC, like Halo did. Not to mention Valve's Half-Life 2 was so far ahead of anything the xbox had in graphics it would be a joke to even compare.

Plus, Bioshock will look better on the PC, and Crysis is going to make Gears of War look like Goldeneye in 2006.

I have a xbox360 and I have no hate for it whatsoever. But if you are going to try and defend it that kind of manner, make sure you know wtf you are talking about.
yah i was thinking xbox live but it can be done on pc, anyways, your a retard my friend, by comparing 360 and pc, i was talking about gameplay, they are totally different, your just a little nintendo fanboy xD of course PC dominates 360, PC dominates all, doih, but 360 is easy to use for downloading demos and getting skins and what not, thoes are features, of course halo did **** compared to pc games because way more people own a PC, your just stating obvious facts trying to make me look bad

and by the way, sure pc has a better online enviroment, cuase once again, more people own one!! and sure it can have better graphics, for a high price! stop comparing 360s and PCs because like me, and a lot of people, we game on 360 but dont really game on pc, because we like consoles better

p.s. i dont think you calling me retarded dosent make you any smarter
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No company can even come close to the intergration and simplicity of XBox Live.... until that day, the 360 FAR from sucks. But ignorance seems to be the new cool thing, so sure, whatever you say.
What? The 360 sucks?

It really does not. You have not even played the 360 yet i am assuming, because you are stabbing blindly at things you don't even know about. Much like a PS3 fanboy...

The PS3 has nothing good about it, aside from Resistence fall of man. On the other hand, the 360 has Halo 3, GoW, and many of the PS2's seller franchises (GTA anyone?). Blue-ray sucks, because downloading movies is better and it saves time.

Smashking101... :frown2:
Wii Addict said:
It really does not. You have not even played the 360 yet i am assuming, because you are stabbing blindly at things you don't even know about. Much like a PS3 fanboy...

The PS3 has nothing good about it, aside from Resistence fall of man. On the other hand, the 360 has Halo 3, GoW, and many of the PS2's seller franchises (GTA anyone?). Blue-ray sucks, because downloading movies is better and it saves time.

Smashking101... :frown2:

If you are going to use future 360 titles to compare(halo 3) at least use future playstation 3 titles.
**** YOU!asshole get your fact before you come in here talkin **** you dumbass
No **** the PC has more games than the 360, and as for the PC being superior, that's another idiotic comment. The only negative feature upon the PC is having a ton of maintenance work and certain things you have to install such as different flash drives in order to play games. If you think that all the systems suck, and happen to be a big PC gamer, why the **** are you even posting here?
vagrant said:
If you are going to use future 360 titles to compare(halo 3) at least use future playstation 3 titles.

Name one that will actually make people buy it. All the good coming up ones are on the 360...
Wii Addict said:
Name one that will actually make people buy it. All the good coming up ones are on the 360...
Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy, Heavenly Sword, Lair.

And no, I'm not a fanboy. Just because I don't have a 360 and happen to want a PS3, does not make me a fanboy.
Metal Gear Solid looks good, I will give you that. Final fantasy is gonna be ported to 360 one way or another, because the PS3 is gonna go down the tubes. I don't think Square would want to be on the ship when it sinks. No game you mentioned makes me want a PS3, and I don't see people buying one just for one of the games. 360 has MANY more great titles with better ones coming along. If you are going to buy that excuse for a system just to give Sony your 599 us dollars then you are a fanboy and if Sony copies another thing... :mad2:

lmao, I agree they stole the idea of motion sensors to help compete with the Wiimote, but there is a vast differense between the two. The Wiimote is far superior because of it's remote style (better for FPS, most likely on par with racing, pointer for easier navigation, and far more flexibility e.g. sports) to the their basic controller style. Motion sensing controllers have been around for awhile, yet not many people used them, it just seems silly to add that feature.

MGS, Lair, and Heavenly Sword are the main reasons most of the people I know want a PS3 (I'll just wait to see if FF is coming to 360, I don't put much merit in rumors). Oh, and half of them have 360's, so I'm pretty sure they're not fanboys.

Out of the games on the 360, I'd say I'd like Dead Rising, Gears of War, Lost Planet, and Halo 3 (although I lost much of my enthusiasm after Halo 2). But other than that, nothing more.
I agree with you on halo 2 letting us down. I have suspicions that Bungie will continue to make it for the little kids and ruin Halo 3 :sad:

However, people like me dislike Sony for its almost pure RPG platforming. I like to have variety in my console so I can have genres of all kinds. I was never interested in Final Fantasy though because I despise turn based RPGs (The one kind of game I dislike lol) I would not mind it so much if they stayed away with their onesided console and not shove it in our faces all the time. "Blue ray is the future!", "The next generation does not begin until we say it does", and my favorite "Riiiiiiiiiiiidddgggggeeeeee Raaaaaaaaaccccer! Its ridge racer. Riiiiiiiiiidge Raaaaaaaacer!" All those things they said at E3 were simply the last straw, and the way their speech on motion controls matched Nintendo's word for word :frown2:
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