Would Nintendo Stop Making Consoles?

Mainly because the Wii was not much different from the cube in terms of power etc.

So it would be like the cube 2 all over again, and they would want to come back strong no doubt.
Your forgetting about the almighty DS, the Nintendo DS may even sell more then the PS2 in the upcoming years.

And Nintendo is a big company, I'm sure they would still make more consoles.

The handhelds is where Nintendo is really strong.
Console gamers wouldn't know about it ;P

As far as the handheld industry goes, Nintendo owns it, hands down.
The PSP is good, but does not have the same sales as the DS.

But I'd like to see the new handhelds' turnout.

See how Nintendo uses some innovation (because, playing Zelda... Wow. I've never seen a game use absolutely EVERY aspect (even the closing of the lid, which puts it into sleep mode!) of the DS) to beat out the new Sony handheld. Because we know Sony's gonna be churning out some powerful graphics.
Nintendo would never stop, they have too many ambitious Leaders who wont satop for anything, however I have always felt that Nintendo was always one step ahead by keeping gaming cartoony. Games are becoming very real for a huge audience but an even bigger audience is there wanting to have fun. Governments around the world are banning games for all consoles, but Nintendo always have the upper hand with the likes of Mario and Pokemon etc. It appeals to most of the family and with more and more children in the world interested in game systems the market is heading towards Nintendo.

yah!! lol
I don't know about you, but I'd rather have a Zelda in the style of Assassin's Creed than I would the style of Ocarina of Time. I realize I'm in the minority, however. I'm 32 years old.
KrisKhaos said:
No, I doubt Nintendo would have stopped. Even though the GameCube didn't have sales numbers in record amount however it still managed to pull a nice profit from it even in "3rd place". If the Wii didn't take off well at all, Nintendo has made a profit from every console sold, so even another poor sales run still would have kept Nintendo above water.

I believe Nintendo would have continued making consoles, using conservative means to prevent themselves from tripping and falling there face (like SEGA unfortunately did) by the insurance of profit even when the chips are down.

The REAL question would be now if we are going to see a PS4 after Sony has taken a great big bite in profit loss trying to launch there system and poor sales of the system show no signs of recovery.
Why do people always take that same crack at SEGA? Sonic Team even lighted to saying "dont be surprised if SEGA eventually re-enters the console wars"

In regards to the OP: Probably not, but methinks the Wii has more marketability then the GC
What old game will you remember 10 years from now. Zelda Twilight Princess or Need for Speed Carbon? I garauntee few will remember every single Madden game ever made, opposed to every single Mario game ever made.
I'm kinda on the fence with that question. If you forced me to make a definitive answer, then I'd probably respond...

In the end...No. In the immediate future? Depends on how much the Wii failed. I mean, should the Wii have failed, they still have revenue from the DS to support another big console project, and with that Nintendo could formulate another attempt to compete at a very high level in a future generation, if not the next.

I think people are over-valuing Nintendo's possibilities, though. I mean, the industry is, afterall, a business. If you blow all your revenue on a project (not that they did on the Wii) and fail, where do you get the money for your next project? Nintendo is solely a gaming company, and can only rely on its success in the gaming market. The Playstation and Xbox are only subsidiary divisions in their respective companies, however, so should one project fail, they can still reallocate revenue from other divisions for another attempt if they so chose. This is especially true for Microsoft, as their Gaming division has yet to turn a single dime of profit. Nintendo, unfortunately, does not have this luxury. If one project bombs, it's a major setback for their company. Case and point: Sega. Though it's a real shame for them, as the Dreamcast was a wonderful console.

That said, since Gamecube fell well below satisfactory numbers (albeit at least it still turned a profit), and the N64 wasn't all that great either, if the Wii failed, Nintendo would be very far behind in its console market. I figured they would either delay their next generation or skip it entirely to make sure they had a formula that worked. In the meantime they would only have the DS as a major source of revenue to fund future projects.
sagema said:
What old game will you remember 10 years from now. Zelda Twilight Princess or Need for Speed Carbon? I garauntee few will remember every single Madden game ever made, opposed to every single Mario game ever made.
I don't know what the relevance of this post is, but I think an analogy I could better relate to would be: Right now, do you really want to play Halo 1 when you have Halo 3?
The Wii is exactly why they would never stop making consoles. They have targeted the right people with the $250 price point. Mario will probably not sell on Playstation or Xbox because most of that demographic do not even play those types of games. I would not count on Nintendo to stop making consoles anytime soon, I can't even fathom it at the moment. Also, the rate things are going with PS3, I doubt that we will ever see a PS4 within the next 10 years, possibly 12. If Sony had only sacrificed on the launch price then their install base would have been higher and they would have kept the exclusives. It will bite them in the ass because gamers now have the choice of getting games like Devil May Cry 4 on 360 without having to fork over as much cash. Sony supposedly made some really dumb moves that made 3rd party devs lose confidence in the PS3's future which made them go multiplaform. Anyways, I say Nintendo has nothing to worry about.
Pikachu256 said:
Lets say the Nintendo Wii wasn't a major success and the Playstation 3 was a HUGE success like the PS2. Would Nintendo stop making consoles? Since they had a really unsuccessful Gamecube.

I think the would since they would lose billions of dollars =[

Do you think Nintendo would stop making consoles if the Wii was a failure?
sorry but that was just dumb. the Nintendo wii is selling A LOT more than both consoles, and is probably the fastest selling console in history. so what if ps3 got first in the console wars again. they still made enough money to build another console. and since everyone owned a wii, they will buy it just because it has the name ''Nintendo'' on it.
Pikachu256 said:
Lets say the Nintendo Wii wasn't a major success and the Playstation 3 was a HUGE success like the PS2. Would Nintendo stop making consoles? Since they had a really unsuccessful Gamecube.

I think the would since they would lose billions of dollars =[

Do you think Nintendo would stop making consoles if the Wii was a failure?
Interesting question, but one problem. Wii is kicking Microsoft and Sony's asses right now.
Nintendo won't just die off and not try. They hold Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, and how many other exclusives? They could turn software only, but then another company(s) would reap the profits cuz you need something to play the games on. Could Nintendo make HD games and put out an overly pricey machine? Sure. But they are smart and know games should be fun and cheap. There are more poor people than rich ones. But if the WII did fail....yes, another system would have followed. But it's not so lets stfu.
Tails McCloud~ said:
Why do people always take that same crack at SEGA? Sonic Team even lighted to saying "dont be surprised if SEGA eventually re-enters the console wars"

In regards to the OP: Probably not, but methinks the Wii has more marketability then the GC
A crack a SEGA? Again it is unfortunate that SEGA fell out however it still doesn't change the fact that it happened. I was merely pointing out there is a lesson to be learned here, not cracking or making fun. The rumors of SEGA's return to the console world would be awesome, and I am personally all for it.

SEGA stumbled with it's 32x/SEGA-CD and fell on it's face with the Saturn, then they took a gamble with one of the most impressive consoles to ever been seen by the world and unfortunately it was simply overlooked. I can't change history, however SEGA CAN change the future. :)

It would be nice for both Nintendo and SEGA to be at it again for sure.
Redfield said:
apparently the cd-i zelda games aren't that bad and I am considering getting them. it is a common misconception but actually only zeldas adventure is bad in fact the only bad zelda game so far.

:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :wtf: :wtf: :wtf:

you have to be kidding, the presentation is horrible using the FMV from the cartoon with the gay link and horrible voice acting. controller is horrible, even worse than the actual gameplay and controls, not to mention that all 3 games are to find whatever's mentioned in the title and use it on Ganon at the end of the game for a one-hit KO. those games sucked and calling them average actually lends them a shred of credibility which they do not deserve.

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