Virtual Console: Diddy Kong Racing?


Twilight Wolf
Dec 3, 2006
Wii Online Code
Do you guys think that DKR will ever make it to Nintendo's virtual console? I would love to have it on there, but I'm wondering/confused about the whole rights thing. I know Nintendo owns the Donkey/Diddy Kong name, but since DKR was developed by Rareware is it possible that Nintendo can't re-publish the game for the VC?

I hope this makes sense cause I'm REALLY tired.
I'd be suprised if Microsoft went out of it's way and said that Nintendo can't go and re-release games that were only made for the N64, and contains a trademarked Nintendo character. But you never know, don't doubt the long arm that is Microsoft!
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Ugh, thats always true, but until that happens I'll be hopeful that it will, along with Mario Kart 64 which I believe was confirmed to come out on VC. :p

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