WORST film/movie you've ever seen?

Epic Movie and the Super Mario Bros. movie do it for me. Both have bad acting, nonsensical plotlines, and have the misfortune of butchering popular things (only in Epic Movie that was intentional)
if you wanna talk about worst movie ever I don't think that those "date movie" "Scary movie" ones should count. Cause frankly those are not supposed to be good movies in the first place. I don't think the directors went in and said......"Lets win an Emmy!". I'm pretty sure those movies were just made to be cheap laughs. And the bad acting kinda adds to the humor. In fact, some times it seems intentional. I think the better question would be more like....I dunno.....worst serious movie you've ever seen.

I think the worst movie I ever saw was the Number 23 with Jim Carrey. When I first saw it I thought it was awesome. Because it was entertaining, kept me interested. I'll give it that. But sometimes the acting was just so bad. The plot actually got a lil far-fetched for my taste. And the twist at teh end was just a bit off the wall. I feel like they could have done a better job on it if they focus more on the mystery and not constantly going "ZOMG THAT MAKES 23 WHEN YOU ADD IT UP!!! LOLOLOLOLOL"