Will you get a PS3?

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Reading this thread actually made me register. I am just suprised at the ammount of ignorance floating around.

No, im not calling anyone names, im stating a fact. People are ignorant when it comes to the console market. They pretend to sound all smart, when in fact, they are just speaking BS.

This is coming off a bit rough i know, but it has to be said.

WE ARE GAMERS, and gaming is not like a nationality where you have to give loyalties to a country, system or brand. Thats just stupid. If you are a gamer, you enjoy games regardless of what they are played on.

From reading this thread, i can definately say many of you dont know what your talking about concerning the PS3. I dont support nor do I "not support" the PS3. Im honest about it.

Heres some things you NEED to know if your going to make false comments about it.
*Sony's Playstation went through a change inernally. Not the console, the business. The guy in charge is a retard. He let the rights for some great playstation franchises get bought out. The direct result was a below average launch game selection. Does this make the PS3 a bad system? no. It just doesnt have a strong selection of games at the moment.
*publishers are business men/women who control the games they finance. These publishers were offered better deals by microsoft. This didnt help Sony. Sony was late to secure the rights, now they are slowly working on getting a better game lineup.
*Blue-ray can make a HUGE difference with movies. As a film industry professional i can tell you right now, most movies being shot right now have not spent the time in post production to enhance the movies for blue-ray. They will once blue ray becomes more standard. Its slow, just like dvds were slow, and vhs was slow before that. Give it time, this **** doesnt happen over night.
*blue-ray requires a TV that can show the detail. You cant expect spectacular quality if your TV cant show it all. This also needs some time.
*The PS3 is an amazing system, it has a lot of potential. More so than the Wii. Its game selection is crap, and like always its first batch of consoles are never better than the second and third. This should be general knowlege. Sony is a great company. They have some branches that are below par (SOE for example) but over all they do deliver quality and have a huge impact on your life whether you relise it or not.
*Gamers like me are adults and have a job. 600 bucks is nothing. The PS3 will most likey go down in price once more games are available.
-Current industry practices these days include taking a profit loss with console systems. Meaning, Microsoft, Nintendo, and Sony take profit loss with selling their consoles. They dont make money off of them. The revinue is made up with the games. Nintendo has always had an upper hand in that it has a solid internal game developement team. Sony and Microsft rely mostly on third party developers. This is why Nintendo is able to offer their system for a cheaper price.
- The video cards alone in the PS3 and Xbox are easily worth 500 dollars. Add up the rest of the hardware and you would relise your getting a real good deal with the console systems.

In the end you have to realize, the nintendo wii is the nintendo wii. It is a novelty in that its a fun and simple entertainment device. Can it be compared to the multi-media devices known at PS3 and Xbox? No. They are actually in two different worlds. Hating one and liking the other, in my opinion, is not something a gamer would feel. Your loyalties should be to the games themselves, not the platform in which its played.
And though many of you might find it shocking, the PS3 can do anything the wii can do and better. All it needs is a wiimote and games that play similar. Will this happen? probably not. But hardware wise, theres a large gap between the systems.

Dont hate any of them, just be realistic about it.


PS: if you are unable to read large bits of text and still want to comment, dont. Reading isnt hard, if you cant read this, you probably cant read a book. We consider those kinds of people disabled. I love the wii by the way
Shiftfallout said:
*Gamers like me are adults and have a job. 600 bucks is nothing.

I don't think thats fair to be honest. I'm an adult. I have a pretty good job.
I have to pay a mortgage, council tax, home insurance, car insurance, heating, electricity, food, clothes etc... On top of all that £500 for a games console (with 1 game) that has by your own admission - crappy games selection isn't really a clever purchase.

Also I don't have kids. If you are a low income parent trying to shell out that kind of money for your kid to have a games console are you really going to be able to afford it?

I think sony has made some serious mistakes with this console in terms of business sense.

You are right though. Some people can afford, and will buy a PS3. For the most part I believe people don't think the PS3 console justifies the high price. Especially when you can get far more from a 360 - at a cheaper cost.

The argument that the PS3 hasn't really taken off yet isn't a valid argument at all. It will never take off until the gamers get interested in the console - and gamers won't get interested in the console until it has taken off (got better games etc). Its a catch 22 Sony need to find themselves a way out of. What can a PS3 do that a 360 can't?
Here's how the whole Wii vs PS3 debate breaks down for me:

If the Wii had HD graphics, I wouldn't even consider the other systems. If the Wii didn't have all of the great first party titles and VC, I wouldn't have bought one in the first place.

So, the real question is What's more important, great first party titles and a fun new motion sensitive control, or everything else? I'm actually starting to lean toward everything else, which is quite a lot. Initially, one of the big selling points for the Wii was that I could get anyone to play it, including non-gaming relatives. But it seems like the only person playing it now is me, so there goes that.

And while the other systems don't have games like Mario, Zelda, or Metroid, there are a LOT of great games on those systems that will NEVER make it to the Wii. In fact, the only games I'm really looking forward to this year on the Wii are Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3, SSBB, and No More Heroes. The only current release I care about is Zelda. I'm taking a wait and see approach w/ everything else. There are at least a dozen games on the PS3 or 360 that I would buy this year, not counting the titles already in release.

I'll probably just save my money for a PS3 or 360 as a compliment to the Wii. But if I had to choose just one, I think the Wii would actually be the first console I'd rule out.

It's a shame that Nintendo didn't go for HD graphics. I would've rather paid another $200 or so than be forced to buy 2 systems.
Lethal said:
I have all 3 systems and I actually have been playing my PS3 more than any of them lately. The new update tomorrow adds so much to the PS3. And even more on the March 23rd update. You will be able to download PS1 games and play them on your PS3 upscaled to 1080i. The best games for the system right now are:

Madden 07
Virtua Fighter 5
Tekken 5
Fight Night Rd.3
Def Jam
NBA Homecourt

Plus I watch all kinds of Blu-Ray movies now so the PS3 is getting more use than any system I have. Its also really nice to have the PS3 upstairs and to surf the net I just plug my keyboard and mouse in and navigate just like the PC. Love it!

Sounds like nob-'ed Sony are coppying off Nintendo with the VC, oh yeh and PS1 games were **** and nothing compared to the likes of Retro nintendo ones, oh and i'm never gunna buy a ps3.
I have all 3 systems and they are all good for different reasons. The Wii is the fan favorite- that's what we're playing when people come over to the house. The 360 is what I jump on most of the time when I'm solo (those darn arcade games get me hooked), and the PS3 is what I think the future will be- but for now I use it mainly to download PS1 ports for my PSP.

I definitely don't recommend the PS3 for now- not enough good games or online capabilities, but I do think Sony will make it work and it will be worthwhile in the end.
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
I don't think thats fair to be honest.
Well life generally isnt fair. My income and those I know, is way more than whatever bills we have to pay. You cant trash a product just because you cant afford it, thats being childish.

On top of all that £500 for a games console (with 1 game) that has by your own admission - crappy games selection isn't really a clever purchase.
I never said it was a good purchase if your doing it mainly for the games. I did say it doesnt have a good game selection and WHY it doest have one. I did say it IS a good deal if you consider the hardware alone. The PS3 has more function that just a mere game device. Look at everything I said, just not those few pieces convenient for you.

I think sony has made some serious mistakes with this console in terms of business sense.
Well, we already established that the guy in charge of it is retarded. However its slowly inching in the right direction. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZY2vwlh5-g

....I believe people don't think the PS3 console justifies the high price. Especially when you can get far more from a 360 - at a cheaper cost.
then people are also retarded. It has over 1000 dollars worth of hardware inside, i would say 600 dollars is a good deal. They forget its NOT just a console, its a multimedia device. Its a home entertainment system. Xbox is similar, though they have more games on the market and due to that can afford to lower the price. remember, they lose money on selling the consoles themselves.

The argument that the PS3 hasn't really taken off yet isn't a valid argument at all.

Its not an argument at all. Its a fact. The PS3's firmware is still being updated and due to the guy in charge of maintaining exclusive gaming rights being retarded, their good games have been pushed back. GTA is a good example, they lost it. Sony is hard at work trying to get some titles for a line up. Untill they do, people wont be buying the PS3 for the games.

Im not supporting the PS3 over any other console, But i would like people to be honest about its capabilities. We all can agree it has **** for games right now. Thats it. If your only interested in games then dont hate the system, just wait till some good games come out.

What can a PS3 do that a 360 can't?
this isnt a ps3 vs 360 vs wii thread. lets not turn it into one. Gamers shouldnt hate one and like the other. Again, like or hate the games, not the console.
George said:
Sounds like nob-'ed Sony are coppying off Nintendo with the VC, oh yeh and PS1 games were **** and nothing compared to the likes of Retro nintendo ones, oh and i'm never gunna buy a ps3.
the service is already up
and there were some godly ps1 games not that you would know though fanboy
and if anything nintendo copied m$....xbox live arcade..
I'd adore to have all three systems!

Each of 'em put some good points on the table that the others can't.

Now to weed through falme-posts~
-whistles "I've Been Working on the Railroad"-

Blast. I have to go.

But there's still so much more weeding to do!

Edit: Finally done weeding. I bet I altered/deleted a good 30 to 40 posts of off-topicness and flaming.
My wiid-eater is full! (Ho ho! I made a pun using "Wii"d instead of weed! I'm so keen!) [/dorkmode]
The reason some many of you are saying you wont get one is because you are insecure that your preciouses wii will be beaten and you might just have more fun with all of the advanced features of a true next gen console. You treat this god for saken wii like its your own blood. It is a poor excuse for a gaming console.

Haha, i wouldn't mind a Ps3 but they're $1100 with the blu-ray disc feature in Aussie.

Funny Trulen. :lol:
I wont be buying one. Costs too much and I'd never play it, just about get enough time for the wii.
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